"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Legacy of a name

This picture was taken last week enroute home from Washington DC with Grandpa Shisler.  These 4 boys that carry the Shisler name have a legacy to carry on.  They are the only great grandsons from Scott's Grandpa Ray that carry the Shisler name.  So they honor their Great-Grandpa Ray Shisler, their Grandpa Don Shisler and their Daddy too.  Names are a BIG deal in our house, and we take them very seriously.  

Growing up my Grandpa Twig gave my brother a plaque that had this saying on it...and the cutest part was at the top he used that tape you could punch letters into and wrote TERWILLIGER on it.  I would go into my brother's room and read it often.  I have always loved it.  I have it typed up and on each of our boys' bulletin boards in their rooms.  


You got it from your father.
It was all he had to give.
So it's yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live. 
If you lose the watch he gave you
It can always be replaced.
But a black mark on your name son,
Can never be erased.
It was clean the day you took it. 
And a worthy name to bear.
When he got it from his father
There was no dishonor there.
So make sure you guard it wisely.
After all is said and done
You'll be glad the name is spotless 
When you give it to your son.


  1. wow, very neat!!! I will have to print this off (if you don't care) for my little man!
