"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little Hands on the Farm

When we went to the fair as a family on Saturday, it was SO crowded and the line for "Little Hands on the Farm" was WAY too long.  Little hands on the farm is an exhibit that our boys have loved for years. Tommy and Drew have outgrown it but will still do it for the free food at the end.  Jack still loves it.  But sweet Max, he has never gotten to do it.  Poor baby I know...he's all of 19 months old.  As SILLY as it may sound, I was having Momma guilt over the fact that he didn't get to go this year.  The fact that pretty much everything we did on Saturday was geared towards his older brothers.  So this morning, Scott and I snuck back to the fair after the big boys went to school.  :)

 And to say it was worth the trip was an understatement.  Max LOVED it...he was so cute and so serious and SO into it.  Here he is with his little apron and basket.

 Planting his seeds in the dirt.

 Picking his vegetables, he really liked the tomatoes....Scott called him the "Tomato Farmer"  :)
(side note...do you see the Green Pioneer hats on everyone else?  Yes, we don't ever get those...they are Monsanto's direct competition.   :))

 Milking the cow with Daddy

 Driving the tractor

 Getting an egg from the chicken coop

 At market...gently placing *ahem* our football, I mean potato in the proper basket

 Enjoying the fruits of his labor with the $1 he earned at market, Chocolate Chip Muffins he chose in the General Store

 And snuggling with the Momma who is guilt free now that Max has been a Little Hand on the Farm

Worn out from all of the hard work...this is how we do the fair with babies.  In backpacks, we avoid hauling strollers around at all costs.  He LOVES his backpack.

We spent a couple more hours there looking at the stuff we missed on Saturday.  Scott takes each of the boys alone one day so he sees it all, but I missed some stuff so we went back through.  Ate some mashed potatoes that looked like an ice cream sundae, drank more lemonade and had a cup of cookies.  It was a fun morning at the fair.  


  1. You ate a hot beef sundae? I am so proud!

  2. Super cute pictures, I especially love the one of you and Max. Frame worthy. I think it's nice that he gets some special Fair time too.

  3. I'm glad you went back with Max. :) I love Little Hands... and will be so sad when our kids outgrow it.

  4. this post makes me so happy. I just love that one on one time at the fair. You are able to absorb all the little moments instead of always watching to make sure all the kids are accounted for! Adorable pictures!!

  5. Looks like he had a great time...we have only gone to the fair once in our six years here...
