"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick update

Okay here is a quick run down of the week, sorry I didn't write much.

I have been busily trying to dig my way out of the house.  The summer has reeked havoc on my organization in a very big way.  So every day I have been attempting to tackle some closet or room that needs MAJOR attention.  So far I have made my way from the kitchen, to the pantry, to the boy's rooms, and my closet.  Next week other parts of the house will need attention.  And this could go on for quite some time considering the storage room upstairs, needs more than a day, and possibly more than a week to actually go through it the way I envision.

Today I shipped off a box of Max's clothes to his buddy Jack in North Carolina, shipped a pair of too big for me jeans to a friend who loved them, and shipped off a box of nursing bras to a friend who is expecting.  I have a load for good will, another load for our nephew Charlie and a pile of things for Craigslist or ebay when I have time to upload and work on that.  :)

Today I had quite a bit of down time, I had a hair highlight and a nail appt.  So I was gone for a chunk of the day, which is NOT normal for me especially on a Saturday, but that's how I get stuff done now with school.  Max needs people home to do those things.

It was a fun week of some lunches with dear friends, who I didn't see all summer long due to crazy schedules and kids everywhere.  So it was wonderful to meet with them and I love catching up.  And I love that they are sweet enough to bring food here so we can eat and talk and Max can do whatever it is that Max loves to do...and Friday I even had the treat of going OUT for lunch as Scott offered to keep Max over lunch so I could do that.  So fun....

Boys all had a great week back in school.  They are getting used to the routine of it all.  They are tired though.  Football is in full swing for the older two and Jack has one practice a week as well.  So there is plenty of football going around....oh and that reminds me...speaking of football.  Their Fantasy Football draft is tomorrow night, they are in one with buddies from school...and so Tommy and Drew have been busily preparing for it.  It's fun to watch them read magazines, check the computer and listen so intently on the TV to all of the football details.  It amazes me how "into" it they get.  Cute.  And remind me say Mid-Novemeber that I think this is "cute" because by then I am tired of the constant chatter of them and football "stuff".

Is anyone else THRILLED that it's almost fall?  Ummm I am ....we are I should say.  Neither Scott nor I are HOT weather people, so the idea of fall being weeks away makes me smile.  Jeans and sweatshirts and blankets...oh how I love thee.  Ugg boots....oh I love thee as well.  Mums and pumpkins and the smell of scented candles around the house, windows open, leaves falling...oh I think Fall has become my very favorite season of all.  You will NOT find us ever retiring south of Iowa...this is warm enough.  I feel for my friend Mariah in TX where it's still over 100 every single day....ewww.

We have several friends going through some hard times right now, so it's been sort of an emotional week for me in a lot of ways.  Lots of people on my mind and lots to pray for....and in turn lots around this house to be grateful for. Scott showed up on Thursday night with flowers for me...sigh I love that.  It never gets old.  Grateful...

Next weekend we will celebrate my Grandma Lu's 90th Birthday in Minnesota, a special weekend for her!  90 and healthy, and living at home, gardening and canning to her hearts content, baking, card playing, serving others at church...she never stops.  I hope I have a LOT of her genes in me.  She is an amazing woman.

That's about all I have for tonight...

Oh and My personal Book Club update....almost done with the Tim Tebow book on my book list...now to figure out how to cross it off on my side bar?  Anyone??  I am going to read "The Help" next because it's all I am hearing about right now.  And I will end on that note, aren't you going to all sleep better knowing that.  :)


  1. I might be able to figure out how to cross off your list. I will try when I am not on my iPad. :) love to you. Loved the update.

  2. P.s. Fall is my most favoritest time of the year.

  3. Sounds like my week...it is fun trying to catch up after a short, but very hectic summer, isn't it? Loving the sometimes cool mornings makes me excited for fall too, my favorite time of year! We need to get together sometime for lunch as well! Just finished The Help and really enjoyed it with the exception of Deity language. Went to see the movie Saturday night with Kyle, who wasn't overly excited, but he really enjoyed it, so that was a nice surprise!

  4. I just finished The Help.Always find it challenging to read about the injustices in this world.

  5. I am not very productive right now, so reading about the things that you have gotten organized makes me really happy and feel productive. Keep it up! :) Hearing about Fall makes me uber excited. In stores I can hardly contain myself seeing all of the orange!!!! Also, whenever you need someone to watch Max during the day, don't hesitate to call!

  6. Yep... Texas has been DISGUSTING. I wish Fall was in our sites already. Might have to wait until November!

  7. I love fall, too!!:) My parents were just up visiting from Louisiana and were enjoying our weather here. It has been super hot there like in Texas this summer.

    Happy Birthday to Grandma Lu!:)She sounds like an amazing lady.

    The Help is good--sad to think life was really like that in Mississippi in the 60's, but I guess it really was. I liked the book better than the movie, but both were great. Glad to see you are on pinterest now. I am totally addicted.:)
