"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let the nesting begin

Thankfully, I am feeling less tired these days. Over that hump I hope for now. But I am still losing sleep at night over the disorganization of our house, the closets, the boys rooms, the laundry room, the scrapbooks 3 years behind, just the stuff I haven't been able to get to...and is now lurking before me with a January 20th date to be DONE!

Let me ramble for a moment....

I am not sure why but I always have this immense feeling that I would like our house to look like Martha Stewart was just here. Organization wise I would like it to look like that, or like a Container Store ad, or the end of a Mission Organization TV episode, I would love for Peter Walsh to come in and transform every room to an organizational wonder. I love labels, and baskets, neat printing and rubbermaids. My sweet husband has reminded me more than once in our marriage that there is no on-slot of photographers on their way over for a magazine photo shoot....although once they did do that of the outside of our house. :) He reminds me that our house is very clean and organized compared to most in the world. And the funny thing is...I LOVE going to my friends houses that aren't so organized and clean. I feel quite at home there and less intimidated by it.

If you read my post yesterday about the" Sweet Smell of PineSol" you KNOW then that this is a struggle for me...to NOT have the house perfectly organized and clean and to just let it go and play somedays. That is a post that was a devotion in May and I have to continue to refer back to it and remind myself of the important things. Clean and organized isn't listed in the bible as top of the list...don't remember Jesus ever stressing out over cleanliness and pottery barn baskets with labels. So why do I? I am human and a MOM..of boys!

Today I feel a turnaround. I took yesterday off from organizing and cleaning....have taken a lot of those days these past 3 months. :) But TODAY I worked on the laundry room and got it back in decent shape and started work on my closet, with clothes that are starting not to fit now I am attempting to tackle it and organize it once again. Then my friend Deanna called this morning to congratulate us on baby...she is the queen of organized and simplified. When she asked if she could help me with anything before this baby I JUMPED on it and said YES you can help me organize. (she is the closest thing to peter walsh I know in town) My Mom has offered to come as often as I would like this fall to help as well. She knows that I lose sleep over stuff like this...I was the little girl who asked if I could start a chart of cleaning chores for Saturdays for my brother, sister and I to do....yes I ASKED. It may not have lasted long and I don't think my brother or sister were ever on board but nonetheless shows you how I am wired.

I am trying to balance it...trying to keep the balance of doable organization where I realize NOT everyone likes things as organized as I do...and not wearing myself out...but still allowing myself sleep at night and not panic over messes. I DO NOT want the boys to grow up remembering me for wanting things in their right baskets, but I want them to remember a Mom that made cookies with them, played games, played ball, went to the pool, snuggled on the couch, read books....So I here end my rambling.

Let the nesting begin....


  1. Love your rambling! Everything you said is so true! I, too, love labeled rubbermaid, although you might not know it by looking at my house! I think that Josh wishes I loved it a little bit more. :)

  2. P.S. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and getting some of your energy back!

  3. I love the containter store, rubbermaid tubs and being organized. I know how you're feeling.

    I'm so glad you wrote about this. Deanna will be a great help. Let me know if I can help in anyway as well. I love to organize.

  4. I completely relate to your post today. Some days I organize a lot, other days I do nothing but play, and most days I'm somewhere in between. I, too, am years behind in scrapbooking, have messy closets that I clean and a week later are trashed. Kids rooms that I "de-junk" and quickly fill with junk again. I'm sure you've heard it before "cleaning a house with kids is like shoveling while it's still snowing!" I don't know where the perfect balance is, but you're certainly not alone!

  5. I love the container store and i count it a HUGE blessing there isn't one here.

    i had to giggle at your statement about going to friends houses that aren't in perfect order - i feel the same way. i always want my house in perfect shape if people are coming over and i am a bit envious of those who can entertain with thing not quite so perfect.
