"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Exciting news...

I tried to upload the video of this moment to the blog...wish it would work but I think it's too long. So pictures will have to suffice. Wish you could see the light bulb go off in Drew's head, the emotion in Tommy's eyes and the disbelief of Jack...hard to believe his prayers have been answered after 4.5 years of praying.

See if you can put it all together....


  1. Awesome news! The power of prayer is an amazing thing. And there is no greater blessing than new life. These boys look thrilled at the knowledge of what is to come, and I assume there is an equally excited Mommy and Daddy on the other side of the camera. So happy for your family, will be excited to hear if blue or pink is in order. Wouldn't it be great to have a little girl enter into the household of the Shisler Boy Club. xo

  2. I've rejoiced countless times at the announcement of a new baby in the lives of my family and friends. I cannot think of a time that I have been more surprised and thrilled than this news - I just laid in bed last night praying already for your baby! I'm so happy for all of you!!

  3. SUSAN!!! I am stunned, amazed and cannot stop smiling over your news!! You and Scott are such amazing parents and I am so excited that God has blessed you with another "little Shisler". I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the boys received this news. I love the pictures you posted (especially Jack's sweet smile in the second picture...his expression is priceless!) I am so happy for you and we will be praying for your baby! Congratulations!!!!

  4. Even though I just saw on FB that you are out to eat with the family...I called your house! I AM SO EXCITED AND THRILLED AND EXCITED AND AM JUMPING UP AND DOWN FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were you so tempted to tell me when I told you??? I seriously need more details!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Oh my goodness!!! I am soooooooo excited for you!!!!!! I about jumped out of my seat to scream and shout for joy for you! Instead I tried your cell, even though you're out to eat. :) I'm with Makila...need more details!!! :)

  6. Susan, that is wonderful news!! How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear more about the upcoming arrival of the newest addition to your family!

  7. I am a bit behind on reading.... YIPEE!!! I am so excited for you and your family. What a blessing. Everyone is having babies... it almost makes me want another one :o)
