"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, May 30, 2014

Last Day of School 2013-2014

Today was the last day of school for the boys...done with 5th, 8th and 10th grades.  Growing up so fast!  Of course I made them take pictures this morning, some were more cooperative than others.  Oh well...it's what I do and I am the Mom so there.

 First Day-Last Day 5th Grade
Yep, same outfit...grown up look

First Day-Last Day 10th Grade

 First Day-Last Day 8th Grade
I think Drew has changed the most

And now onto the chalkboard printables they were SO thrilled I printed for them to hold...
 Yes, Max insisted on getting one and holding as he so chose.

 The whole gang

 And even MORE thrills that Mom requested THIS outside of the school
My dozen donuts purchased for a son who will remain nameless, for his classmates, didn't even make him pleased to do this...AND I would like to point out we did it 20 minutes BEFORE school started in the hopes we wouldn't see ANYONE we knew.  

 First Day
Last Day

Happy Summer!


  1. Love, love, love the photos! I do the same thing but being a girl, Lauren doesn't mind. Happy Summer!

  2. Love all of the pictures. Glad you make them pose for them!

  3. Love all the pictures!! Handsome boys!! Enjoy your summer.

  4. I'm going to take a ballpark guess and say nameless was Tommy? Do I get a dozen donuts for being right? ;-)
