"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The neighborhood ladies...

Once upon a time, there was a sweet old neighbor lady, who probably wasn't as old as I thought she was.  She lived across the street from us growing up.  Her children were grown, her husband was quiet and kind, and she was hardly seen outside of her home.  (at least by me)  Our neighborhood was BRIMMING with little kids.  I mean kids everywhere.  There were always "cosom" hockey games in the street, football games in the front yard, kids running to and from random homes and cookies being delivered from neighbor to neighbor.  It was the PERFECT place to grow up looking back.  It was safe, and loving, and so much fun.

 I was reminded this week of this sweet little old lady, Mrs. Wilmore.  Several years she asked me to come over to her house and help her wrap her gifts for Christmas.  I think she had arthritis, or maybe she just liked the company.  We would go into her basement storage room where she had a folding table all set up.  Wrapping paper and ribbon and tags all in a box.  And she would hand me present after present to wrap for her.  She would then tag them, and we would do this for a few days each year.  We would talk, she would bake banana bread, or sugar cookies…and it was just something I really found fun to do.  And NOW as I am older I can see what a help it probably was to her.  (Drew has wrapped almost ALL of our gifts, and it's SUCH a help.)  She didn't pay me, she didn't need to.  I didn't even think about that.  One year she did give me a light up Christmas light necklace that I remember loving…but it's just what I did.  Not because my Mom made me go, but because it was how my parents raised us…someone needs help…you just help.  I love those memories with Mrs Wilmore.  She was a special lady.  I hope to see her again someday.

There was another special neighbor to us, this one a bit more crazy than the first.  She decorated her house for halloween, she would be a witch…she scared me to death with her loud cackle and her kids jumping out of a coffin.  Her cat used the toilet, not a litter box.  She often had Christmas decorations up all year.  Her son kept salamanders in their basement bathroom.  She was so funny and looked just like Elizabeth Taylor to me.  Her name, Mrs. Eifrig.  Mrs. Eifrig's husband left her about the time we moved in, I don't remember him…but I remember how much Mrs. Eifrig and her son Charlie were part of our family.  She came to every big life event I ever had, Charlie came to all of my birthday parties growing up…he was Mike's best friend.   My Dad took Charlie to every father son event, fishing trip you name it Charlie went with Mike and Dad.   Mrs. Eifrig had a connection to my grandma Twig that was so much fun to watch, they would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

But Mrs. Eifrig was a talker….and well, I was a talker too.  So we got along very well.  She always listened to me, was one of the few who called me Susie until the day she died.  She poured into me for all of my life.  She always wanted me to stop by and chat, in Junior High, in High school, in college and after we were married.  She wanted to hear my heart, what was going on, how I was.  She was always caring.  She loved Scott and always told me how she knew he was the one for me when I first told her about him…she had heard a long line of other "boyfriend" stories and these were different she would say.

Mrs. Eifrig went to heaven a couple of weeks ago now, her services were last Sunday and as I sat there I couldn't help but hear her voice, her laugh….and how happy I am that she gets to spend THIS Christmas in heaven.

The point of this post is to remind myself, and maybe a few of you to never underestimate the power of a neighbor.  Both of those ladies made an impact on my life. At 41 years old I still remember those days of gift wrapping, just to be kind…and I can still hear Mrs. Eifrig's laugh and voice.  Pour into the children all around you…it takes a village.


  1. Susan, you write so beautifully! Your soul oozes from your words. I have tears rolling down my face reading this post with my own memories and children coming to life.
