"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The List

Well this week has been NON stop…I am not sure if I have really slept at all.   It's been crazy.  Scott was gone all week which always takes things up a notch of busy for me.  On top of that I had a LONG list of things to do…the problem is I never actually sat down to make the "list" so that didn't help my sleep.  I would wake up adding to the "list" that didn't really exist anywhere on paper, or phone…just in my mind. But I was afraid if I actually made a written "list" it could be tracked by children who may want to know MORE than they need to about Christmas.

Well this "list" has had MANY checkmarks this week….the ones I can share are these, and yes I am doing this because it makes ME feel better to check things off of a list that never really existed other than in my own brain.

-Christmas Cards:  designed, printed and mostly stamped (I rebelled this year and didn't write in them, so when you get yours and see no personal note, don't take offense.  It's something I decided I could take off of my "list".  We send out 500 cards, this helped save a lot of time.  I KNOW that's a ridiculous amount, that's what happens when you move several times and keep in touch with so many dear friends and family)

-Christmas Cards: not a typo to write again, helped my parents design and print theirs this year.  It will be their job to lick and stamp, AND IF THEY CHOSE, write in theirs.

-Santa:  Yep we saw him, yep we took the boys picture…Scott hasn't seem him yet which Max keeps reminding us of, but that's okay.  That's not on my "list".  I have my cute Santa picture for 2013

-Christmas Shopping :  Yes, pretty much done.  A few smaller things but those can be picked up at Target in one trip….I think.  Some things were ordered via mail, thank you FREE shipping.

-Gifts wrapped: Thanks to Drew, I think we have ALL of our Ohio gifts wrapped and ready to mail off, and almost ALL of our MN gifts wrapped and ready to go.  I have let go of the perfect wrap and the perfect ribbon in an effort to lessen stress for me.  This is BIG people.

-Shutterfly LOVE:  Without divulging too much info, although my boys would have to be oblivious NOT to see what I have been doing on the computer all week.   Their annual books are done and ordered and should be here by the 24th.  :)  That has probably taken up 40, maybe 50 hours this week…I could be exaggerating but I don't think I am.  Throw in a calendar or 4 as well…it's been a LOT and YES I know it is my own fault for not doing them until this week.

-Editing DONE:  Officially done with all of my 2013 Photo editing, other than the few emails that have come this week for a tweak here or there….those will wait.  I am not adding to this "list" that doesn't really exist.

I have learned to say NO to several things this week, I need to do more of it, it is not my strength.  These are all things I LOVE to do but right now, I canNOT.  

NO I can't watch your kids on Friday morning
NO I can't help make a meal for a friend having surgery
NO I cannot make it to the cookie exchange
NO I cannot bring you lunch to school because you forgot it (I did have it delivered though)
NO you cannot have a friend over today
NO I cannot teach Sunday School this week

and these were things I was then able to say YES to….

YES I can snuggle you
YES I can come to hear your band concert
YES I will be at your Christmas Concert
YES I can make you an Ice Cream Sundae
YES I can sit and have hot chocolate with you
YES I will be at your game
YES I will be at the funeral of a dear family friend and childhood neighbor

Life is a balance, and when I lose my focus on what REALLY MATTERS it is HARD.  I want to soak in the next week before Christmas with our family.


  1. Same here with the mental list and the having to say "no" to things this past week. Love you.

  2. I'm glad you were able to say no.
