"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Insta Tuesday

I am back with Insta Tuesday this week....
many of these pictures were taken on Instagram on my phone and some are just funnies I found on Pinterest and Facebook to share.

 Trying to get back to my daily workouts and eating healthy after a month
 of busyness and chaos has not been easy.  

 Max and I went to Hyvee the other day for a few things, I let him take a little cart which we have never done...he LOVED it.  And he was FAST!

 Max loves getting his haircut and he sat so still in the big chair, so cute

 This made me laugh

 This is for my great friends, you KNOW who you are...

 We made a strong attempt at potty training on Saturday and Sunday when Max showed interest in wearing and modeling underwear, it was short lived and we are back to diapers.

 Baseball in undies

 Beautiful thoughts

 One of my favorite verses, it's painted on our basement wall.

 Tommy sent this to me when he was babysitting Max on Saturday afternoon, not quite ready to wake up from his nap.

 What our kitchen looked like Sunday afternoon in our attempt to keep Max entertained on the hardwood floor and OFF the carpet

 Brutus was interested in the potty chair too.


 More hardwood floor entertainment Jack came up with, Target shooting


 Easiest way to potty train yet...naked baby

 Atari was the first video game we ever owned when we were little...now you can buy this iPad thing and play it all over again.  Oh my...saw it at the apple store the other day

 Max's pretend baseball team he calls the "Firetruck Team" I ordered this jersey for him and it came yesterday...so cute and fun.

 Silly boys helping me with laundry. :)

 Trying on the jersey at bedtime, LOVED it...so proud.

 Another funny and SO true in our house.

 Sunday we went to Hinckley's Birthday party and they snapped this pic of Drew, I LOVE it.

 Max tried this hat on all by himself at Scheels...I call it "Gangsta Baby"

 Story of my life right now.

 Took these guys to the play place this morning....Max and Hinckley

 Tommy sent me this one today...funny.
My cousin Jeff was at the cabin this past weekend and snapped this pic of my parents on the boat.  I love it.  It's their favorite place on this earth.

There you have our week in iPhone pics


  1. hilarioius! The Beatties had A LOT of naked time especially while potty training. The house cleaning part is so true. Has Brutus been more successful than sweet Max? :) God speed, my friend!

  2. That's a GREAT photo of your parents and so glad your potty training attempts are about like ours :) Hope summer is treating you all well!
