"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy 13th Birthday Drew

How is it that Drew is 13 years old today?  Sigh a TEENAGER?  Wasn't it just last year he was born?

Oh Drew how much you have grown.  We are SO proud of you and of the young man you are becoming.  Your heart for others SHINES through in ALL that you do.  You love to HELP and you never feel like it's "work" when you are asked to help.

You love your Buckeyes, and you most certainly are LOYAL and true in everything that concerns them.  You won't even eat a cookie that has yellow and blue frosting on it, because it's "Michigan" colors Mom. You are determined that you will go to college there, and I believe you.

You adore being a BIG brother, you love to help coach Jack...you love to do anything with Max.  You love to show him off most of all.  You love being a LITTLE brother too, you look up to Tommy!  Most days, he is your best friend.

You are the first one to compliment me when I get my haircut, or a new dress...you ALWAYS remember to tell me "you look nice Mom' , or tonight you said to me in my new dress "Mom that dress really looks great on you."  All unsolicited responses and completely natural from you.

You have a heart for children and peers of yours with special needs.  You love to serve them, and help them...you have patience that never ends with those people.  I love to watch you.

You are a sports nut.  It's fun to listen to your constant chatter about sports and games.  You, Tommy and Dad could talk all day about sports stuff.  I love it when you get all excited about your teams.

You also have a terrific sense of humor.  I love your jokes and I love that you have nearly every single Tim Hawkins line memorized, they still make me laugh.

You love music, and it's fun to see that side of you.  You may be done with your piano lessons but I am excited that you want to keep on playing.  I love that you want to learn the guitar.  You have a great voice, we are excited you have signed up for choir next year.  A great way to worship.

Dad and I are SO proud of YOU.  We are so PROUD of your faith in God and how you bring things to prayer first.  I love how you remind me to do the same.

You are one very special boy and we are so pleased God chose us to be your parents.

Happy Birthday Drew...

 letting Max sit with you in Chapel at school, and helping him

We love you Andrew Roy Shisler!!!


  1. Happy birthday, Drew!!!

    Love this post, Susan. Such a great kid!

  2. We love Drew over here at the Durick house and celebrate his precious life! Welcome to the teen years!
