"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, December 6, 2010

One little note says it all

Scott left early this morning for the week, to Chicago.  EVERY year he has the same meeting in Chicago all week long.  It is exhausting for me and it is for him.  It's one of those meetings were there are thousands of people, literally thousands, in a HUGE hotel.  You ALWAYS run into someone you haven't seen in forever, you are always going to meetings, then lunches, then fancy steak dinners. (I have met him there in years past and I cannot keep up with it. SO TIRING) You get back to your hotel room around 11:00-12:00 every night and then turn on your computer to find emails..who has time to send emails?  Every one in his business is in CHICAGO?  But guess what, they find time.

It is exhausting for me, it's always the time of year where I am trying to finish up with the Christmas shopping, wrap gifts, throw in some traditions, making the boys' Shutterfly scrapbooks for Christmas, baking cookies, rushing the boys to their practices and games.  Throw in some memorable Christmas advent stuff, writing and stamping a bazillion Christmas cards and a busy 10 month old baby and call it a crazy, tiring week.

Here was the note the boys found on the table for them this morning...

Because we all know, that when Momma isn't happy no one is happy AND when Momma is happy...it makes for a much better week for EVERY ONE. (Scott knows that well, the boys are learning it too)

It made me smile!

Miss you Love..


  1. How great. I really loved that he wrote Max on the list of names too. sigh.

  2. That's a man who gets it - leading those boys by example! Love it! Great to run into you today. Hope you have a good week without your hubby.
