"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, December 11, 2010

11 month old baby

Max (10.5 Months)

Sigh...today Max is 11 months.  I guess that means in another month we will be celebrating a first birthday, which I can hardly believe. Oh my...

Thanks for the pics Makila...

We have a sweet and very busy baby boy.  He was so happy to see his Daddy yesterday after a week of him being gone.  He even said "Dadada" as he drove into the driveway and he saw his smiling face.  It was the first time I really think he connected Daddy to the name.  He has been saying "Mama" while knowing, or so I think, for about 2 weeks.  When he's hungry or tired he comes crawling...."Mamamama"...it's the sweetest thing.  SO I am counting "Mama" as his first word and "Dada" as his second.

Max you are the happiest little guy with the cutest little growling noise.  We love your sweet sounds and your busy hands.  You love to open cabinets now and pull things out.  You pull yourself up on everything you can.  You even stand on your own for about 3 seconds when you let go.  You LOVE your big brothers.  Love to wrestle, and climb on them.  Love to pat them on the back.  You love to nurse and nurse and you love to sleep with us after about 4 in the morning.  You will eat ANYTHING we put in front of you, and you eat more real people food these days.  You love pizza, spaghetti, chicken, yogurt, graham crackers, applesauce and oatmeal baby food, chicken and noodles, puffs, Kix, cheerios and apple pie.  :)

You are getting busier and busier as you learn to crawl faster and faster.  You play really well by yourself in the green room (aka sunroom) or near Momma in the kitchen.  You are not a fan of Momma getting ready in the morning and you waiting in the bathroom.  You LOVE your new car seat, love sitting up more and not being smashed into it.  You LOVE music, and balls especially basketballs.  You will go to just about anyone.

Your sweet little shark hat and jammies after dropping your brothers off at school

You can high five, wave when you want, you can kiss when you want and snuggle up often.  You love to nap in your Momma's arms or on the floor in the family room.  You like to be close and you like a little noise.  You love to be held.  And we ALL love to hold you.

"helping" with the Christmas ornaments

You are a precious gift.  I love that you were born right after Chritsmas, it makes Christmas feel even more special to me.  I loved being pregnant at Christmas time.  I loved a baby born near Jesus' birthday.  Somehow it makes me feel a bond with Mary...boy am I glad there was no big traveling for me to Bethlehem at this time last year.  I love having you to Christmas shop with and for.  I love having you snuggle with me in the nights, I love watching you love on your Daddy and I love watching you bond with your big brothers.  You are so very special.

Happy 11 month birthday baby boy...

We love you so much,



  1. As always, adorable pictures. :) Not ready to read "one year old," so please have the time between now and then go by slowly.

  2. Sweet memories. Sweet post about Max.

  3. Time is going so fast. I am in love with his hair with the curly ends.
