"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why do they have to grow so fast?

I snapped this photo with my phone the other day. I was getting ready for the day, was getting Max dressed. I put on his shirt and went to grab some pants...when I looked back it was like I blinked and he was a toddler. I KNOW he is only 3 months old, I KNOW he is only 15 lbs, I KNOW he can't even hold his head up, sit up or do much of anything on his own BUT that is how I felt. I grabbed my phone and snapped this photo. It was like the Canon commercials, or Kleenex, where the camera keeps flashing and every photo the child is growing up and it ends when they are married.

I am trying so hard to BURN into my brain this baby stuff, the sounds, the smells, the snuggles, the sweet skin...every bit of BABY but yet I feel like it is slipping away from me. I tried to burn into my brain the entire pregnancy, and there are parts I have already forgotten how they feel. I KNOW my hubby and my Mom are smiling right now, I go through this with every baby. I tear up at every milestone wishing the time would slow down. Wanting to be more than I am as a Mom, wanting to be the best mom I could ever be to our boys.

I am so grateful to be home with our boys, to be able to have had the privilege of not missing anything with them. The privilege of waking up with them, nursing them, feeding them, loving on them, reading to them, napping with them, going for walks to the park, blowing bubbles in the backyard...there are so many moments I have had with them...I only wish I remembered them all. But I am so grateful to have a loving and supportive husband who feels the same way I do, that my job is here, at home, with our children. To my sweet husband who gets the babies out of their cribs in the night so I can nurse them, and then snuggles back in, next to me(us) while I nurse and tells me "thanks for feeding him, I know it is a lot of work. You are such a great Mom." and he falls back to sleep. I listen to his deep breathing and the sounds of a sweet baby nursing and thank God. Yep I married HIM, wisest decision I ever made. Thanks Love, what a gift it is.

Okay I am now sobbing at my own post...sigh.


  1. Susan: I know exactly how you feel - every word resinates deep inside. It's such a constant thing- taking in every moment and appreciating every little thing; yet just surviving taking care of so many and keeping up with so much! You are a GREAT mom, a loving wife, and a wonderful friend - love you!
