"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 12, 2010

My life and why things don't get done

This is a typical day...
3:50 am Max hungry
6:00 am Baby crying time to nurse
6:40 baby done eating close my eyes again
7:05 Jack comes in looking for something for school
7:20 boys all in our room waking up Max
7:30 think of taking a quick shower then realize someone has a test they need final review help for skip shower
7:45 turn dryers on to get wrinkles out of clothes that didn't get folded yesterday, or the day before, or the day before
8:05 find any lost items and boys off to school
8:10 decide to fold the laundry get it out of the dryer
8:13 Max is hungry again time to eat, laundry sits
8:40 Max is fed and changed laundry is now wrinkled and needs to go back in dryer
...get the drift of where this is heading?

Of course then there is the breakfast dishes to put away,
which reminds me the counters and table need to be wiped off,
which leads me to notice how dusty the lights are above the kitchen table so time to wipe them and wash the glass,
which leads me to the computer to check the email that dinged,
which makes me remember there are bills to be paid and put in the mailbox,
which then leads me to seeing the trash can
which reminds me to go through the magazines and catalogs and clean those out,
oh time for Max to eat again,
which leads me to a phone call,
which leads me to look for something in the dining room, which reminds me the Easter basket are still not put in the storage room,
which leads me to the storage room,
which reminds me that I need to sort through the box of jeans to see if any fit me yet,
which leads me to wanting to go for a walk with Max to lose some of these lbs,
which leads me back to the garage, oops need to feed Max,
can't find my favorite running shoes so back to my closet which reminds me there are clothes that need to be sorted and piles to put away for the other boys,
baby hungry again,
still haven't showered,
laundry is back in the dryer,
still haven't gone on the walk,
new neighbors are moving in better make them cookies and it's time to think about dinner, pick up the boys and do the baseball shuffle.
And then after they are asleep I fall asleep myself in the big green chair...laundry STILL in the dryer

If you think I am exaggerating any of this come and live here for a day.

Wouldn't give any of it up, wouldn't change my life....but would love a laundry fairy!

oh and it's time to feed the baby again. :)


  1. Sounds like my house. :) My laundry only got folded/put away because my mom was here and helped with it on Friday evening/Satyrday morning!

  2. My friend Heather, who has 4 girls between the ages of 3 y.o and 5 y.o., believes the laundry fairy and the dishes fairy can be found at Panera Bread having breakfast or lunch, depending what time of day it is. LOL! I totally understand your daily schedule. I too move from project to project, never seeming to get any one project completed. The important thing...my children know they are loved!

  3. this is brilliantly written and I AM SO GLAD to hear that others feel the same way I do! Nothing EVER seems to get done! And now that I've added a puppy to the mix its even dirtier and I have LESS time - CRAZY LIVES we have, but as you said, wouldn't change a thing (except the laundry :)

  4. Love this post. I know exactly how you feel, I wonder if I have ADD sometimes.
