"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Love

Our family picture at the end of a busy birthday

We were in Mpls for Scott's bday(Saturday Feb 20th). We headed there on Friday late afternoon. (Max's first road trip, he did well but not sure how more than 4 hours would go right now at his age...we had to stop and nurse once and by the time we got home he was DONE) The boys had the weekend off of basketball and our nephew Charlie had hockey, so we went to Mpls to watch him play too.

Alice with Max when we first got there on Friday night...
note I had just changed his diaper and hadn't even
gotten his pants back on before she grabbed him.

Saturday was Scott's birthday....we celebrated with breakfast at Perkins, time playing with Alice and Charlie, Indoor mini golf, lunch at the Classic Lions Tap Burger joint...then I did make his favorite dinner that night and we celebrated with his favorite Boston Creme Pie. My Mom and Dad were gone most of the day at a funeral. But they were home in time for dinner and Mike, Cara, Charlie and Alice came too to celebrate.

Saturday morning with Alice and Charlie...sledding.
Alice in her snowpants but must hold Max first...

Alice kissing Max

Uncle "Cott" helping put the bib on

Charlie on the ice

We made his favorite Boston Creme pie for dessert

One of the cutest things of the weekend was Alice, our sweet niece who is just 2 years old. She adores Max, I mean ADORE's Max. She cannot get enough of him, can't get close enough to him, can't be with him enough...it's so so cute. She wants to hold him ALL the time and gets such a sad face if he is sad. She says "Asha hojo Max" (Alice hold Max), or "OUT" if she wants him out of his carseat, "Max nigh nigh" in her not quiet at all voice, so fun to watch her love on Max. One of our favorite Alice sayings of the weekend was "Hap To" aka "Happy Birthday to you" she kept saying to her Uncle Scott. She cracks us up and is at such a super fun age.

At home on Sunday, opening gifts with our 4 boys

It was a bit of a whirlwind, we left after church and brunch on Sunday... I hope Scott felt our love throughout the day Saturday. He is my knight in shining armor. We have been through a lot in our 16 years together almost 15 married, and through it all I feel we have only become stronger and better for it. What a joy to share my life with him. He makes me laugh everyday, strives to be the best Dad and husband he can be...works hard, plays hard and makes me so proud. He is a mellow, yet super competitive guy...strong, yet surprisingly sensitive to his boys and wife...hard working and hard playing guy and the quickest witted person I know. Love you so very much.

Happy Birthday to my beloved...I love you.


  1. What a wonderful tribute to your hubby!! What I notice about Scott is how plugged in he is with ALL of you - doing anything and everything to make sure his family gets the very best of him. We celebrate another blessed birthday with you all!

  2. Happy Birthday to Scott! :) Thankful for the joy he is to you all!
