"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Meeting of baby Max

The Shisler boys with Gma and Gpa Shisler

Max and Aunt Kathy

Our sweet boys

Drew's team won their tournament

Tommy's lay up..happened so fast I was too zoomed in to be able to see the ball :(

Great defense Tommy!

Jack playing his game on Saturday

Scott's parents and sister Kathy came on Friday night for the weekend, to meet baby Max. They have also had the bonus pleasure of watching a few basketball games for the older boys and one for Jack yesterday.

Valentine's day has been full, church, basketball, lunch at home, more basketball, some olympics, baking of pie and cookies (by Grandma Shisler) and then heart shaped pizza for dinner.

Baby Max is proving to be a little trooper, as long as he is fed he is happy to be wherever. The boys love to have him along wherever we do go.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful picture of Max with Grandpa & Grandma Shisler! Congrats to Drew and his team for their tournament win! Congrats to Tommy and Jack for being great athletes and playing their best.
