"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, February 5, 2010

The story of Max

Here I am...

note Dr. Hoegh looks as excited as anyone

Mommy's first look

I am just now realizing I never posted about the night of Max's birth. The story, I will give the quick version here...

Max was scheduled to come on January 20th, 6 days before his original due date, he was scheduled to come via csection. All of the other boys were csections one week early as well. Sunday, January 10th I was not feeling great. Just a lot of not feeling good stuff happening but didn't think a lot of it. Monday I decided to take it easy, to empty out the desk and sort through all of the papers and bills from 2009 and get ready for 2010. I was home all day. I picked up the boys at school, then took them to Hyvee with me for groceries. I know most people think it's easier to shop without kids, in our house it's the opposite. The boys are all great shoppers and helpers it is easier for me to go with them. We did our Hyvee run and came home...I had dinner in the oven, had just had a yummy Hyvee cupcake and 2 pickles as I made dinner. And then....

yep you guessed it. Something was not right...I went to the bathroom trying to figure out what was going on. Scott was at home in his office, I went to talk to him, told him I thought my water might be leaking...wasn't sure what was happening. He was a bit panicked and I then went up to our room...to change clothes really...and call my Mom. I called her and told her I thought my water was breaking and about midsentence and tears with her I KNEW my water was really breaking. She said hang up and call the hosptial. So I hung up...but I couldn't get to the hosspital number. It wasn't working. I called my friend Makila instead. She was excited and calm all at the same time...she gave me the number to call and said to call her back. I got the hospital called...the Dr we loved was not on call so Scott called him on his cell (got that number from another friend in the meantime) and I called Makila back. I couldnn't think and had no clue what to pack for the hospital. She told me what I needed, I packed...I found a friend to watch the boys, not an easy task at 6 pm on a Monday night. And we told the boys...who were beyond thrilled that their wait was almost over for this baby. We headed downtown...Mom and Dad were headed down from Minneapolis, boys were being cared for...whew

sorry this isn't so short is it...I will shorten it up...

We got to the hospital around 6:30 that night. They sent to me the maternity floor triage and agreed my water had broken. Our Dr. showed up, what a guy, and was as excited as we were to meet this baby. I am not kidding...he was thrilled. I had to get a full bag of IV fluids in me before they would send me to the OR.

I was wheeled into the OR around 7:45 pm. at 8:34 pm we heard one of the most beautiful sounds we have ever heard...Max was born. SCREAMING as loud as his lungs would allow him. Beautiful and perfect. Our Dr. was beaming, and he let Scott tell me it was a boy. He was wonderful and we were in love. God chose Max to be in our family....he was the one I had felt hiccup, kick, squirm and push all of those months. Scott and I were beyond thrilled.

Mom and Dad made the trip from MN in record time to be there

So excited to introduce baby Max to his big brothers

checking him out

Jack beyond excited

People have been asking about his name, as most of you know we were struggling with boys names forever. Max was one of the very first Scott ever mentioned, he has a good friend Max, and just loved the name. I thought it might be too hard to say Max Shisler so had moved onto other names...well we kept coming back to Max. After looking at him in the recovery room, he just looked like a Max. and we already knew we were going to use the name Harold for a middle name if it were a boy...Harold was the name of my Grandpa Twig, aka Grandpa Terwilliger. I always adored my Grandpa. He passed away when I was in Jr high. I always felt close to my Gpa. And my Dad's oldest brother's name was also Harold, Harold Lee. He died while in the air force, his plane disappeared off radar never to be found. My Dad was only 16 yrs old at the time. My Dad and Harold Lee, his biggest brother, were very close. So we wanted to use Harold to honor them. All of our boys have middle names that honor the men on my side of the family...they have Shisler to honor Scott's family and middle names to honor mine. We think that's very special. Thomas Scott (my beloved) , Andrew Roy (after my Dad), Jack Michael (after my brother) and now Max Harold.

It was one of the 5 most special days of my life....the day Max was born. The baby I dreamed of, the one Jack prayed and prayed for, the one Scott and I asked God for many years ago. God knew...He knew. Our hearts are filled with joy and love.

oh well.


  1. This was so much fun to read - it's always so special to hear the story straight from the mommy. He will treasure this someday - the look on his big brothers' faces at the hospital are just precious!

  2. Amazing. I loved hearing it. Loved, loved, loved it. :)

  3. I loved reading this, Susan, and am glad that you didn't make it short - I wanted to read all of those details! :) Thank you for taking the time to write and share with us.
