"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 26, 2009

No coincidences...NOPE none

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, I wanted to share this clip from Jon Kalvig's blog...he works at our church, heads up student ministries. He came to the shelter last night as a guest of my friend Shelly York who is on our shelter team. As those of you who know that were there...we had a LOT of help. There were moments I wondered if we had TOO much help. But after getting word of this story from Shelly today I am reminded and KNOW that each and every ONE of us there last night, was supposed to be there. God has no coincidences. And the story in Jon's blog is testament to that. To the moment he saw the girl he knew to the fact that a coat was provided for her...God KNOWS, He always KNOWS.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving day...

"Yesterday was a beautiful reminder that relationships don’t die. Then, after an unbelievable experience, I realized that God keeps people in your path for a reason. The whole day became a joy-filled time and an early Thanksgiving gift to me....

And then a reunion of unique fashion. As my in-law family decided to spend a bit of our Thanksgiving Eve serving a meal at a homeless shelter, I was shocked to find someone I knew. It wasn’t the fact that she was at a homeless shelter that surprised me – it’s been a difficult year for her. After completely losing touch with her for over a year, when her life took a turn for the worse – she called me out of the blue early this year. Since then I’ve seen her in the most random of places. Her situation does not bring a smile to my face, as she is confused, lost, and wasting her life. Yet God clearly wants me to keep praying for her; to continue to offer hope and nuggets of wisdom. God has a plan here – it’s evident. To end up at this shelter – my first time being there, and her second week staying there – is God sovereign. And then, to exclamate the evening, as we were leaving the house Kelly asked “Do you think the shelter could use a couple of my coats I no longer wear?” She brought them just in case. An hour later I was standing outside with this young lady as she smoked a cigarette. Noticing she was cold I asked if she had warmer clothing – perhaps a thick coat. She said they are hard to come across, especially when you have no money. I think you see where this is going. God provided.

Let this be a reminder to all that God puts people in your path for a reason. Some to be blessed by. Others to be a blessing to. Listen to the Spirit of God. He’s bound to shock you too." www.jonkalvig.com