"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Family Minute

What will your kids remember about their childhood?

Will they cherish the trip to the theme park, the Xbox360, PS3, or the cell phone you bought them? Or will they remember dad cooking pancakes for them, wrestling with them on the floor... and mom writing those special notes for their lunchboxes, or cheering for them at their games? Our children won't reminisce about big events and big-ticket items.

Rather, their hearts will be warmed by memories of the love, caring and companionship you showed them day-to-day. Those are the things that will make a lasting impression they will carry with them into the future.

P.S. Scott gets a daily email from the Family Minute it is in conjunction with All Pro Dad. Always some great family thoughts. He sends the best ones on to me...I loved this reminder.


  1. This was a great thing to read this morning! These days I feel I need to take the kids to do something, but this is so true - they'll remember me sitting on the floor with them even more. Thanks Susan!

  2. Thank you SO much Susan. I needed to hear this!
