"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Sweet baby

Sleeping Baby

Squinching up its face

Trying to suck on its arm

We got another sneak peak at baby this morning. He/she is doing well and almost 4.5 lbs now. The sonographer even turned the 4D machine on again and we watched baby with hiccups, make some squinchy faces and sleep. Pretty amazing stuff.

Scott is convinced this is a boy even more now...looks SO much like its brothers. I would have to agree. So we have been debating boy names again this morning. Healthy baby is the best part. And we still don't actually KNOW if it's a boy or girl.

My parents were at the ultrasound as were the boys, we needed the party room for the amount of people we had in there. It was fun to hear the collective sigh when she turned on the 4D and everyone could actually SEE this little one. Felt like a family get together. So wonderful...and yes, Dad cried through it all.


  1. Well, he OR she is adorable. I thought Danielle looked just like Seth on the ultrasound and it wasn't even 4D. So it could still be a girl. :)

    I'm praying you find a name. Promise me this. You won't post on FB UNTIL you have a name! :)

  2. aww!! i have tears in my eyes looking at this babies pictures... i can't wait to see if you have a boy or a girl!!

    so neat your parents could share in this experience with you.

  3. Beautiful! Thankful that all of your family could join you again for the ultrasound! Caleb & Moriah look the most alike in my house (more so than Hannah & Moriah)...just sayin'. :)

    Hope that you can figure a name out soon!
