"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Mom guess what?!"

It doesn't get much cuter than a phone call from a 10 year old little boy with a voice so excited he could hardly stand it. "Mom we got to storm the field after the game, there were so many people on the field you could only see the goal posts. It was so awesome. Did you see the end of the game? Did you? It was awesome. Dad and me stormed the field. We beat the Hawkeyes Mom, it was so cool. How is Tommy doing Mom? Is Jack with you? It's really loud here. We are walking over the Olentangy right now from the game Mom, just Dad and me. The game was awesome! Do you want to talk to Dad? I can hardly hear you Mom, it's really loud here. But we got to storm the field"

That's about the jist of the conversation Drew and I had 30 minutes after the Buckeyes beat the Hawkeyes in overtime. Priceless. Just priceless. Our boys will NEVER forget these Buckeye weekends with their Dad...what a gift. The gift of time!

Love it...I was more excited for Drew and Scott to be there than anything else about the game.

1 comment:

  1. Josh & I watched the game while eating at Texas Roadhouse last night. I thought about Drew & Scott being there and what an exciting game it would have been to see in person! His phone call to you is precious.
