"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day weekend

Whew I think I am finally recovered from the busy Mother's day weekend.  My Mom and Dad came down on Saturday morning in time for Jack's Twins Little League game where the Mom's were coaches for the day in honor of Mother's day Scott has done that several years.  He is the head coach and hands over the reigns to us Mom's.  It is entertaining and fun, and the boys really do love it. 

Mom's coach the WCLL Twins team Saturday in honor of Mother's Day

On to Tommy's game from there and then back for another of Drew's.  Jack and Grandma didn't make Drew's last game of the day, they decided making chocolate chip cookies and snuggling sounded better.  :)  Twist Grandma's arm for that.

Tommy pitching Saturday

Sunday I woke to Jack whispering Happy Mother's Day in my ear and then a scramble of noise in the kitchen, while Jack stood watch outside our bedroom door.  I could hear him sighing, obviously bored with his job.  He eventually went in and woke up Poppy (aka Grandpa) and suggested he get up and go downstairs to make his famous little rolls.  He was the bodyguard.  He got tired of that told Me to just stay in bed and wait for a surprise.  My Mom jumped in bed with me while we waited and wondered what the surprise could be we called My Grandma Lu, Mom's Mom and wished her a happy Mother's Day too :)  Then the boys all showed up with breakfast in bed for us, Drew made us eggs and toast with jelly, oj, Scott gave us both red rose corsages, Jack helped with napkins and Tommy carried the trays.  Very sweet

And after that we were off...I headed to church for Sunday School,  The rest headed to Drew's first ball game of the day.  3 games later and a 2nd place trophy and we were headed home.  Tired....we quick opened some gifts for Mom and sent them on their way.

Loving on Grandma
Drew's tournament 2nd place trophy 

The 5 os uf went to PF Changs for a quiet dinner and the boys each had made something for me, and most of all they were kind to each other pretty much ALL day which is what I had asked for more than anything else.

Before dinner out with my little guys

Scott and I climbed in bed that night, tired and worn but so grateful for the blessings of 3 healthy little boys who like to run, play and bring us so much joy.  A great weekend.  I love being a Mom.  And I sure adore my Mom, who is one of my dearest friends.  Scott's so grateful for his Mom too.  And Grandma Lu who continues to inspire me...wow.  And how I miss my Grandma Twig on days like this...she was an awesome Mom to 4 boys and the best Grandma.  I adored her.  What a blessed weekend...

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