"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Drew's First Piano Recital

Drew had his first piano recital yesterday between ball games.  He is in his third year of piano, as is Tommy, but Drew has a new teacher this year.  Drew is able to take his piano lessons during the school day at school now.  Mrs. Korell teaches 2nd-4th grade piano and she has piano recitals.  This was held in the chapel of our church. 

Drew started off with a duet with his teacher, "Monarch" and then played a song "Charlie and the chimp" on his own.  He did a terrific job. This was something that he was very nervous about, something he had never done and we are so proud of him. 


  1. Great job at the recital, Drew! You didn't look nervous at all - cool as a cucumber on the outside!

  2. Yeah Drew!!! How cool to do a duet with your teacher! Wish I could had been there to hear it.

    We missed you Saturday...Payton was too sick to come to the recital. She is SO girl and wanted SO badly to perform. Many tears were shed... :( I felt so sad for her.
