"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something I learned today about mono...

Drew was STILL not himself this morning and still feeling terrible.  So we took him BACK to the Dr. at 11:30.  This time he showed signs of mono.  The meds we had been giving him from Monday were having NO affect on him.  So they suspected Mono, large glands, red yucky throat still, dehydrated, spleen sore etc.  Did a blood draw...and we went home.  They would call with the results.  

I was fully expecting the standard phone call, "Your sons tests are negative. It is viral.   There are so many viruses going around.  This must just be a bad one".  But NO when the nurse called me back I could tell by the sound of her voice I wasn't going to get that answer she said "Drew has tested positive on both different blood tests we ran, it is official.  He has mono."

Wow, I certainly didn't know you could get "mono" at age 9 but evidently you can....

So we cancelled our weekend plans of going to Minnesota.  boo hoo But there are more important things we have to worry about and take care of and that is Drew.  No PE or Recess for 2 weeks.  No school until Tuesday then half days for awhile.  No playing ball or running around outside...lay low.  Well that should be easy considering right now he has no desire or energy to do anything but lay on the couch.

Something I learned today about mono...it is NOT a kissing disease.  It can be spread through saliva but also through respiratory stuff.  So hence why he is highly contagious right now through Monday.   He probably got it through an airborne path.  Bummer I know but interesting.  And to all of his classmates he has spent the mornings with this week...I apologize.  We had him at the Dr. last Thursday, then Monday again..had I known this is what we were dealing with I wouldn't have sent him.  

Please pray for healing for Drew.  Protection of his spleen in particular.  That he would stay hydrated, he has seen the hospital twice before due to his lack of hydration.  That he would be able to sleep and rest and his cough would get under control.  Please pray for protection for the rest of us home too.  We have been kissing him all week...:)

Scott leaves tomorrow for a long weekend to San Diego to see his dear friend Pete Dumiak, and the Dumiak girls.  It was his birthday gift from me.  So pray for safety and protection for him.  And also pray that he is able to enjoy his time there and not think about us here so often.  That he would have peace of mind that God has us covered.

Thank you for the prayers...


  1. So sorry to hear about Drew! But...so glad you finally have some answers to why he has been so sick. Poor guy! So glad God gave you a mommy's intuition that something was still not right and kept taking him to the Doctor. We will be praying for him and the rest of you. Let me know if you need anything.

    P.S. Love your blog and have loved the cute "Jack stories". What a sweetie!

  2. Susan,
    I had heard mono was "going around" DMC. I will be praying for Drew and the rest of you too.
