"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 6, 2009

Loose Tooth at 2 am

It was 2 am and Jack was crying last night, or this morning, however you want to look at it.  Crying because its his first loose tooth and he is scared.  For some reason he just now realized it was loose at 2 am.  He really wants Daddy to be home because his tooth is loose.  (not sure what Daddy could do to help but when the boys are scared Daddy trumps all)  So I reassured him that it would be okay.  That losing a tooth isn't so scary.

His concern..."but Mommy will I bleed all over when it falls out?"  

As much as I wanted to sleep and not discuss loose teeth at 2 am I realized, that probably is a scary feeling.  To lose part of you and not understand why?  And how that happens....he finally went back to sleep after we prayed for his loose tooth, at his request.  Of course back to sleep on Daddy's pillow now, right next to me.

This morning was filled with 101 more questions about loose teeth and grown up teeth and all that goes with it...

1 comment:

  1. Seth can't WAIT for a loose tooth...but that being said I don't think he realizes what is going to happen either! He really wants to lose one at school because they get a little special thing from the nurse. He's not close to losing at all. :)
