"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wayne County Fair and a Buckeye Game

Scott has been in Ohio for a week now, he went there from St Louis meetings to help his parents.  It is that time of the year...the Wayne County Fair is going on.  Most of you know that Scott does NOT miss his county fair.  EVER.  I really don't think he has ever missed it in his lifetime.  His Dad has shown corn there forever.  This year Scott went early to help his Dad.  His Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 2 weeks ago and yesterday we were told he also has bone cancer.  Tough stuff people.  Showing corn is a BIG deal to his Dad, and therefore to Scott.  Scott spent hours walking cornfields choosing the corn to show.  I am not a farm girl but I have learned that you want your ears of corn to be similar in color, shape, size and you want the corn rows to be as straight as possible.  That is how you win.  Which means you pull a LOT of ears off before you get a "set" that matches best.  What I love about Scott, is that it's one way he honors his parents.  His name isn't on these sets of corn, it's his Dad's name...and that matters more to Scott than his own.  Especially this year I think...with his Dad's recent diagnosis.

I am proud to say that the corn won Grand Champion in BOTH the NEW and the OLD corn categories.  This doesn't happen often at the fair. It's a BIG deal.  The Wayne County Fair is one of the largest in the state of Ohio so it's a really BIG deal to his Dad,   There will be an article in the paper about Don because of this rare win.  This is a great example of how to honor your parents.  I love Scott so much for it.

On Friday, Tommy flew out to meet Scott in Ohio for his Buckeye weekend.  It was a fast one.  They headed to Columbus on Friday evening after spending the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa Shisler.  Saturday was spent tailgating and checking out the local Buckeye stores.  Surely a tee shirt was purchased, or maybe 2 because one can never have enough Buckeye shirts in this house.  It was a night game under their new lights which was fun.  The Buckeyes lost which is always a bit of a bummer when you are at a game...but Tommy took it in stride.  They stayed at our friends, the Townsleys, and had a great time.  They headed back to the farm on Sunday morning in time for church and to take Grandma and Grandpa to the fair in wheelchairs.  They both enjoy the fair and I think it was a real blessing they could go this year.

Tommy arrived home late Sunday night after some delayed flights and a lot of answered prayers.  Scott is on his way home today after staying for some Dr. appointments yesterday.

Please keep his parents in your prayers.  His Mom is having health issues with walking and pain and his Dad is now facing prostate and bone cancer.  Not easy to live 12 hours away during this season of life.

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