"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our Deer Hunter

Jack was excited all week long to be going on his first deer hunt ever.  Ross (our Miss Emily's husband) offered to take him for the opening of youth season.  We went to Scheels and got his deer tag and he talked non stop all week along about it.  So fun for him.

Saturday after his football game Ross picked him up....and off they went to attempt to find a deer.  Ross took him to a friends land not far away from here.

Jack tells the story best...this is copied from a note he sent to a family friend of ours.

Ok so I kind of dosed off and he woke me up by saying jack dont move there was a doe and 2 fawns 80 yards from us it walked around the pond in front of us and came about 10 yards from us then 2 more does came out of the 3 foot tall grass behind the pond and one of them came about 70 yards from us and I shot it and I double lunged it

We sat in a treestand for about 3 hours before that happens we shot the deer at about 7:10 at night so it wa almost dark I shot it with a muzzleloader with a 100 grain load.  It also had a really nice scope on it so it was easy to aim.  

I find it funny how I can hit a deer at 70 yards but I can't hit a turkey at 7 yards??

From jack

The part of the story that he didn't mention there is that his doe fell into the pond after he hit her.  Luckily she crawled back out of the pond or Ross may have gone swimming.  :)

The door bell rang around 8:30 and it was Jack....wanting us to come look in the truck.  And this is what we saw. I may have screamed at the site of it.  Not sure who was more excited, Ross or Jack.  What a great memory for both of them!

This may be my favorite picture...love how excited Drew if for Jack.