"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wrap it Up

We have officially been potty training aka "Potty Boot Camp" since last Friday.  It has been on the list of things to do, but just hasn't been at the top.  It is NOT one of my favorite parts of parenting.  But alas...Thursday night I was putting Max's diaper on before bed and I had one side fastened and he looked at me and said the following

Max "Quick Momma Wrap it Up, I have to go potty"

Meaning, get the other side of my diaper on so I can go potty IN my diaper.  Ahem, he KNEW when he was going potty.  You see we tried this past summer and he had NO clue when he was going potty, what it meant, that he had gone....so I had given up.  Now I KNEW HE KNEW.  And just like that I realized Friday my schedule was open and it was TIME to just DO it.  As most Mom's know, and a few Dad's, it is a VERY tiring process.  LOTS of trips to the bathroom and lots of time making sure your child is in sight and you are watching them for any cues of potty time.

We started the day with a selection of underwear laid out, M & M's in hand, Chick-Fil-A as a grand prize for poop on the potty and a BIG bottle of WATER!  And he has been doing GREAT.  Friday we made a few phone calls to Grandma and Papa for some praise, Papa promised Oreo's to Max...Grandma Ooed and AHhhed even Great Gma Lu was there to cheer him on over the phone.

 We have stuck to our guns and dedicated most of the weekend to potty training...I stayed home MOST all of the weekend with him about 10 feet from me.  And we did LOTS of cheering, stickers, high 5's.  The boys laughed and asked me if I REALLY said " I am proud of YOU" as many times to them as I have been to him.  I said "Yep"...they think it's a little over the top but they are going along with it and cheering for Max too.  I have sang a LOT of songs in the bathroom, did you know there are verses about the Potty in Old McDonald?  Well there are now.  We have read a LOT of books in the bathroom too

So 4 days and a few bribes later Max is doing terrific.  Only 3 accidents in 4 days...I cannot complain.  I will say I am looking forward to NO diapers!  That freedom will be nice, not to mention the savings.

Potty Boot Camp continues on...  


  1. This is so cute! Great time to potty train - it's too cold to be out and about anyway! You're such a fun and sweet mama!

  2. :) keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going'

  3. awesome!!!! I had been meaning to text you about this to see how it was going! so glad!!!

  4. I sure hope "Everyone Poops" was on the reading list.....still love that one! Good job, Max!
