"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, January 28, 2013

Orphan Update

Drew and I will be heading to Visit Orphans in October...in Costa Rica with the organization "Visiting Orphans".  While there may be bats in the walls of the lower end hotel (by US standards), lots of heat and humidity (which is NOT my thing) and a week away from my other boys...it still feels like the right thing to be doing.

Scott enjoys his Buckeye weekends every year with the boys.  It is important to me to have time with them as well.  For a long time we have debated mother/son trips and what those would look like.   We have had some clarity about that recently and we feel like Missions Trips with each one is where that time and money should be spent.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it" 
Proverbs 22:6

Drew has been asking to do a Missions Trip for a long time now, I have been scared for a long time now about Missions trip, I have never been on one...and Scott a bit skeptical with the idea too.  Last night hearing more about orphans, this past month reading Kisses from Katie, watching children in videos last night, in photos... just solidified the prayers about where to go first.

Tommy has other ideas of what kind of Missions Trip he would like to go on.  Jack as well.  We will continue to pray about those for the future.  But right now it is clear....

Drew and I will be headed out in October.  Please pray for us these upcoming months that God would honor this desire on our hearts.  That God would provide just what we need for this trip in many ways...that we would know what to ask for, what items to bring...that we would stay healthy and strong.  That our family would continue to be in unity over this decision.

We are excited about this opportunity that God has put in front of us...we pray that we would honor him in this decision and this leap of faith.  And maybe, by the time we get there the bats will be gone and they will have a cold front. :)


  1. My words don't express the joy I feel!

  2. There is AC on the bus, :). So excited for you both.

  3. That's so so exciting!! We will be praying for you all.

  4. I'm sooo very excited about your trip! I can not wait already to hear all of the details! I also love how much your family has love and care for others! You all are such a blessing to me and my family and I'm so lifted up that the Lord will allow children in Costa Rica to experience your family's joy and love!! :)
