"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Juggling, Cover boy, loss and teeth

This week I have been juggling a lot of balls, it has just been one of those weeks where I feel like I have 20 projects going all at one time, oh and a baby to take care of and 3 other boys that are busy with activities and school stuff.

We ended up going to Minnesota last Thursday, decided while Drew and Scott were in Ohio that we would sneak north.  (which reminds me i need to post about their fun weekend) We took off on Thursday since it was a short week with conferences.  I didn't take a single picture in MN, if you can believe that.  We had a great time, just hanging out with my Mom and Dad mainly. Tommy went up with a friend to a waterpark thursday so e didn't get him until Friday night.   Spent time with Charlie, Alice, Mike and Cara too.  The boys went to Monster Jam in the dome on Saturday in the Suite, thank you Poppy for that.  We had 8 inches of snow while I was there which has put me in the Christmas mood.  Mom and I went to a Christmas home all decorated, it definitely has inspired me.

Monday started the week of with sad news.  I got a phone call around 4:30 from my dear friend Makila that her Dad was being rushed to the ER unresponsive and doing CPR.  I prayed for him, then decided I was better off at the hospital than sitting home.  Rushed there to find Makila and the news that he had passed away.  So sudden, so sad.  He had just watched her 4 kids on Friday night.  This is the 5th friend or family member that has lost their parent this year for me. Getting older, this part I don't like.  Please pray for their family, the services are tomorrow morning for him.

Tuesday was a busy day, the older boys had well check ups first thing in the morning.  Both are healthy and doing well.  
Tommy is  5'4.5" and  94 lbs
Drew is 5'2" and 96 lbs
Both had great check ups.  Drew had a few shots, Tommy had the flu mist and we were good to go.

Tuesday night Tommy had his first 7th grade Lions basketball game.  He played well and had fun.  We were all there to watch him.  After the game it was time to get the stuff for Operation Christmas Child where we pack up shoe boxes for kids around the world.  This box is probably the only gift they receive as a child so we worked hard to make sure they were special.

Wednesday was a crazy day.  I felt like I had my head in every project possible and none getting done....making food for my friend and her family, burned the first batch of chili had to start over.  Max fell and bit his lip, blood everywhere, proofing our Christmas letter, sorting thru Christmas decorations and trying to put some up, the school yearbook meeting, Max was on the cover of the magazine and I was trying to find it, laundry was going, trying to post things on Craigslist to sell, and so on...I fell asleep in the rocking chair with Max around 8:30 that's how tired I was.

When I was checking Max's mouth yesterday after his injury I noticed he now has 4 bottom teeth, he has added 2 since I last checked.  Grand total of 8 now. umm just now had to run and check where the baby had gone, found him with a ball banging on the open toilet seat.  nice huh?  So washed the hands and hope he wasn't putting those in his mouth.  yum  luckily I had cleaned the toilet earlier today,

now where was I...you see that's the problem I lose my train of thought a lot these days.
oh I just learned yesterday that Prince William is engaged.  Not that I am a big royal watcher but I felt a little out of date not knowing that.  Not sure when it was announced but considering Dateline had a special on it, I am obviously not the first in the know.  And I learned it through reading a blog...yep not even the real news.

Jack's birthday party is tomorrow night.  He has decided to invite all boys this year, the first one without any girls.  Guess he is getting older huh?  He will be 8 years old on Saturday.  He will be spending the day at the Buckeye/Hawkeye game in Iowa City with his Dad and two big brothers.  yep he chose that over a day home with his Momma and Max.  Hmm getting older for sure.  His party is at Chuck E Cheese, his choice not mine. He invited 8 friends (since he will be 8) Not sure they can all come, but it will be fun.  He is excited.  Reminds me I need to run out and get him one more gift later today or tonight.  Another thing to add to the list of things to do.

Oh and did I tell you, I had asked Scott to get out our Christmas stuff on Monday.  Well then I left for the hospital and didn't think about ti again.  well while I was gone, he got out EVERY Christmas bin we have, which is a LOT even though I usually only use a few.  Guess I have decided I might as well sort through them ALL and clean out what we don't use.  So my front hall and dining room are a mess of bins.  Yep another thing to juggle with a baby who currently now has a poopy diaper.

Okay I am back from changing the diaper...see what I mean about my life right now.  :)

While I was changing his diaper I remembered I need to remember to pick up Jack's cake tonight, a lady in Waukee makes them out of her home.  It is a Star Wars theme, surprise surprise.  I wouldn't expect anything else from Jack for his bday unless you could do a Wendy's Frosty theme, he maybe would consider that.

I will include a couple shots from inside the magazine here too.  

Oh and a friend from Rochester, who has a stationary business I have used for years has a new line of stuff. I ordered these this week. Act surprised if you get one.  Pretty cute huh?

Oh and it's that time of year where Shutterfly and I become very close friends, so I have spent many a late night with my computer and Shutterfly lately.  And there are still many more ahead, not last night as I fell asleep so early.  So tired.  But tonight, I will be there again.

need to run have a baby banging on a window, not a great idea....and my dryers are both full of clothes to fold and the washers ready for the dryer...and so it goes.  I count my blessings as I fold the laundry though, it means I have a full house with lots of people to love.

hope you are still with me...this got SUPER long


  1. loved every minute of reading this - every morsel!!

  2. Happy Birthday to Jack!!!! Thinking of you guys.

  3. Happy birthday to Jack! Wow... 8!!! 8 is a great age.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your friends loss of her father. I'll say a prayer for them.

    How neat that Max was on the cover of a magazine! How did that happen? Is that your house in the pictures you posted? SO COOL!

    It's so inspiring that you can swing all these projects for your family. I run out of hours in the day constantly.


  4. Love the cover! What a special treat and memory!
