"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday to Jack!

Happy 8th Birthday to our sweet Jack.  Jack you are such a joy to us.  Your bright smile and sparkling eyes make me smile.  You have a contagious personality.  I love you quick wit and one liners.  Just the other day we were talking about math and your response to me was "Mom, I love crunching numbers."  Max fell the other day and you felt terrible since you were watching him and your response, "Mom, why do bad things happen to good people."  You have a line for everything.

You continue to LOVE Star Wars and legos and frosty's from Wendy's.  Not sure how you would rank those 3 but they ARE your very favorite things.

You pay attention more than we realize to details.  Watching football last week with Daddy you quipped off some detailed reason for their penalty and knew every rule about it.  And here I don't think you are ever watching the games when they are on, but you are.

At your conference your teacher, Mrs Zonn, was so complimentary about you as a person and friend.   As a strong student who is thirsting to learn. She so enjoys teaching you because you SO love learning.  She commented on your humor and how quick you are to catch on to funny things.

You still are not a great sleeper, you get it up many nights just to tell me something.  You don't need a lot of sleep, just like your Dad.    You now have gotten in the habit of just bringing Max into our room at night, instead of waking up Dad to get him.  You LOVE being a BIG brother, you LOVE sharing your room.

We love you sweet boy, we laugh at your funniness daily.  We are so thankful for you.  Today while you are at the Buckeye game in Iowa City with your Dad and brothers, I hope you are feeling super special.  I hear you got to take a pic and see Brutus at lunch, that's super fun.  Can't wait to hear ALL about it.  (will post pics then too since Dad has the camera)

Mommy and Daddy