"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 months

Sigh, Max you are 10 months old today.  You are growing up SO fast.  We love watching you learn new things.  You love to play so many different things. We love you so much...

I love how you sit on your knees when you play.  How you love to go into the green room, aka sunroom by yourself and just play play play.  You love to throw balls, and you grunt like a tennis player when you throw.

You clap, you laugh, you can high five, you can sign "all done", you can show us you are SO BIG.

You say Mamama, Dadada, bababa, lalala and grr all through the day.

You have the best belly laugh, and we hear it most often when your brothers are around.

You don't like to lay still for diaper changes, you would rather flip over and crawl away.

You love it when your Daddy walks in the door.  You beam and reach out for him or crawl to him.

Your brothers continue to adore you and teach you tricks.  Their friends continue to try to get you to cheer for other teams, we hear a lot of "Go Duke, Go Hawkeyes, Go Chiefs etc"  Many times it makes you cry when they say that which means you are already a Buckeye, Browns and Vikings fan.  :)

You LOVE shopping carts like no one I have ever seen and beam from ear to ear when we put you in one to ride.  It's pretty funny.  And if you fall asleep in your car seat, most of the time you have one hand up, holding on.

Sleep continues to be overrated in your mind.  Unless you are snuggling with your Momma, then you love to sleep.  You love to nurse and snuggle in, and I love that you still can snuggle your little legs up into a ball with me.

 You are a sweet baby, with your cute curly hair, bright sparkling blue eyes...precious and adored.

We love you so very much sweet baby boy...

