"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Max!

Max turned 4 years old on Saturday…what a BIG day!


 This is what was heard within 10 minutes of him waking up on Saturday morning.

Birthday presents in the morning…Jack made him a book to keep his Skylander cards in, Tommy gave him 3 Skylanders and Drew gave him an Octonauts ship.  

A cinnamon roll for breakfast, from Pella.  (Drew had a game there Friday night)
So EXCITED to be 4!  Thanks Mom and Dad for the great "4" tee shirt!

My parents came down to watch Drew and Tommy play basketball and to be here for the birthday boy.  We met them at Chick Fil A for Max's birthday lunch.  The manager even gave Max a Chick Fil A cow as a present.  

 A great birthday sign made by his big cousin Charlie!

 I blame my friends Sarah and Makila for getting me into thematic birthday parties and Pinterest too…so much fun.  Even Brutus, our goldfish, made the centerpiece decor.

 Walking through "seaweed" to get into the party.

 lol, not a great pic, but the ONLY one of the "kids table"

 Max made the invite list, and the Minors, and the Oakes family made the list.  As well as his beloved Mrs. Ruth and her family, our beloved Miss Emily and her family, and the Mom's of his friends.

 Jack and his friend Josh ran the "Pin the Patch on Kwazzi" game

 Drew and Jack helped the kids make their Ziploc Aquarium bags.

 The Oakes…note Mr. Oakes in his color coordinated to the party shirt.

 Happy Birthday sweet boy…
Hinckley, his big sister McKay, Max, Blakely, Leo and Andrew

 Sweet Baby Quade

 Not so great of Max, but Mrs. Ruth, Mr. Marc and Josh and a BIG deal to Max

 One of his favorites…an Octonauts ship from the Oakes!

 Can you tell he likes the Minors a little bit.

The Rethmeiers...

 Door decor, thanks to big cousin Alice and Aunt Cara for the 4 necklace, he wouldn't leave it on but it looked great on the front door. 

We had so much fun celebrating this boy…we love him so VERY much.


  1. Sad to miss it but so glad it was so fun. :) gracelyn picked out a present for him and we will bring it on Thursday. :)

  2. Looks like a great time. I do not even know what Octonauts are, but they look like fun. Hugs from MN, where it it snowing today!

  3. LOVE THIS POST! B just said she wanted to see pics of Max and we loved them all ;)
