"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, January 6, 2014

Early Birthday for Drew

Drew's birthday is not until June but today we told him about his gift…

We are sending him to Canada on a fishing trip with my brother, my Dad and our nephew Charlie in June.    He could NOT have been MORE excited when we told him this morning.  For Christmas his big gift was a gift card to Bass Pro Shop to get fishing gear.  All he has been talking about the past 7 months is fishing.  The cabin has poles, most have been around for awhile…he has been wanting his own personal stuff.

Mike, my brother, has been planning a fishing trip for awhile and I called him a few days ago and asked him if they had space for one more…he checked with the fishing guide and they allowed them to have one more in the boat.   So exciting for ALL of them

I think what blesses my heart the most of ALL of this, is that we are a part of a family that enjoys each other so much and is close enough that we can jumble up the family units and match their interests and send them on trips with each other.  How cool that you can look forward to a fishing trip with your Uncle, Grandpa, and cousin….really truly, I don't take that for granted.

AS I have been typing this Drew has NOT stopped talking as he looks at the website for the Resort.

I couldn't be MORE excited for him and MORE grateful for the time my Dad and brother pour into our boys.  I may just be tearing up over it all right now.

IF you are interested in seeing where they are going…here is the site  if you want to spend your day looking at a fishing resort in Canada and dreaming of it.  I can smell it from here….AND it does NOT smell good.


  1. I am so excited for Drew! I can just picture him talking your ear off and it makes me smile!

  2. Yes, Drew! Come by here for some practice fishing anytime!
