"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For the Love of Pickles

Scott's Mom is the Queen of pickles...she makes the Aristocratic Pickle and does it so well.  They are one of Scott's very favorite things.  She informed us this year that she is done making pickles, too much work and she is retiring from that job.  So I guess that means the torch was forcefully passed to me.

Today I spent from 8 am-1:30 pm making her pickles..not to mention the past 7 days of them soaking in a salt brine and being stirred daily thanks to sticky note reminders.

Pickles are NOT an easy task and they are a VERY sticky and messy one.  But at our house, traditions are a BIG deal.  And ONLY because I love my husband so very much would I take on this task...and Drew is a BIG fan as well.

44 jars later and many dirty dishes....

We have pickles....my Love says now that both his Mom and I know how to make these pickles we are not allowed to ever be together in a car or plane.  Too risky, like the President and VP.