"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So our sweet littlest guy Max has says some of the cutest things....

One of my personal favorites is that he calls "girls"..."grills".

Yesterday he spent the day with my friend Ruth, he spends many Mondays with her.  They made necklaces, and this is the one he made me.

So sweet, he was SO proud to tell me the following...

Max:  "Mommy I made this pretty for you.  It has footballs, and baseballs and I like white and your like Pink, cause you're a grill.  Grills like pink"

It's hard to tell in this picture...but the pink bead is on the left next to a white bead and in-between 2 footballs.  

Homemade gifts are the BEST.