"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My October in Numbers

9- the number of nights my Love has been home and in our bed in October
29-the number of nights Max has slept in our bed with me in October
2- days of 6:00 am basketball practices under Drew's belt
5-football games played in October
4,039-the number of phone calls between my Love and I this month
1- successful surgery for a broken back in my Father in law
58-the number of years of marriage my in laws celebrate tomorrow!  WOW!
22-texts from Tommy requesting something at school, to eat, to bring, to purchase
2-new pairs of basketball shoes purchased
1-child who can wear hand me down basketball shoes
12-the size of shoe Tommy now wears
2-pumpkins carved last night
4-the amount of days I have actually gotten to workout this month
12-photo sessions I am currently editing through
2-boys excited to trick or treat tonight
2-boys excited to stay home and hand out candy tonight
1-very messy kitchen
4-loads of laundry going as we speak
4-more days until I take Tommy, Drew and Max to Decorah to see MY alma mater LUTHER
0-the amount of tickets needed to be purchased for a Luther football game, they are free.  :)
14-hot chocolates purchased at Starbucks this month, we ALL love it (not Scott)
2-excellent report cards from Tommy and Drew (don't have Jack's yet)
1-very messy playroom
1-dresser currently in the garage getting painted and antiqued in my spare time
2-Jack O Lantern pizzas to pick up for dinner tonight
2- costumes Max cannot decide on for tonight, Spiderman or Captain America
4,573-emails to my dear friends that keep me sane
1-very imperfect and very tired Momma at this house that can't keep up most days
1-God is is SO full of grace somedays it overwhelms me


  1. 1 very thankful friend to have you!

  2. i love lists so i love the number posts that you do! I also didn't know that you went to Luther! I had a good friend go there and spent a lot of time there :) love me some Mabe's!
