"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Take a DEEP breath, and maybe a glass of ice water, this is LONG.....

So last week was a WHIRLWIND...and I truly mean that.  So many things on my list and several were checked off, several still need to be.

One of the BIGGEST ones was the school yearbook...yes it is DONE.  Finished Friday morning.  Can I hear an AMEN?  And can I ask that you would ALL remind me NOT to sign up again?  Don't get me wrong, I love doing it...I just don't LOVE having to run to school for SO many pictures, and I don't love that the deadline hits at one of our family's busiest times of the year.  So please remind me to take a break from it...I have done it 6 years now between the 2 schools we have been at.

And the other BIG NEWS around here is that we took the crib down.

 THIS is what we were figuring out...

 ...and THIS is what we were asking for ALL the time.  OUT!

Sigh, last night in his crib.

 We did a little version of our very own "While You Were Out" episode...we did it Friday while the boys were at school.  While Jack knew we had purchased a mattress, he didn't know WHEN it was coming and WHAT his room was going to be decorated like.  For those of you who REALLY know me, you KNOW I have been debating what colors and style for their room to be for almost a year.  I wanted army green and navy with orange accents, then I wanted kelly green and navy...then for awhile I thought I would just go with various shades of blue in there....every time, I mean EVERY single thing I ran by Jack got either the...No way...or the I would rather it just be "Star Wars" Mom....  and I would come back with the...well we don't know if Max likes Star Wars and it would be fun to have it be more colorful line, and many others to "TRY" to talk him into what I REALLY wanted.

Well then I was reminded, that it is NOT my room to decorate really...it is NOT my room to sleep in, and Jack will only be young once, as will Max.  They will NOT want themed room as they get older, Tommy is a testament to that...more on him later.

So....when I saw Star Wars bedding was on sale 2 weeks ago....I gave in and bought it and hid it away in the closet.

Some BEFORE...way before photos...
 It's hard to believe this photo is only about 2 years old, Jack has grown up SO much.

 Here is the bed Jack has been sleeping on for past 2 years. 

Here is the crib we have used for each boy and the coordinating bedding for Max's crib.

We worked and worked on Friday, getting the crib down...and the bunk beds back up.  Only ONE trip to Lowe's was required for more screws..and 4 hours later the bed was UP and the mattresses on them.  It then took me awhile longer to pick up and decorate and move stuff around.

And voila....

Jack and Max's very own Star Wars Room was born.

2 VERY happy boys...

When Jack got home from school...Max was just waking up from his nap.  So they got to go in the room together....Jack said "Wow...it's a DREAM come true" and Max's response "Check it OUT"  (not kidding we even have it on video)

Needless to say they were BOTH very happy and while going to bed was a little rough, they slept all night fine, both together on the bottom bunk.  Max slept til 7:00 and that is UNHEARD of for him.  He is napping there again now.

Speaking of rooms and this week...Tommy asked LAST week if he could have a desk in his room.  I promptly explained to him there was not room in his room for a desk and that I was not going to buy him one.  Think I may have even gone off on how I grew up WITH a desk in my room that I never used and so he didn't need one either...hmmmmm.  Then I got to thinking....see sometimes I am impulsive in my answers.  We had a desk downstairs that was really only being used to stack stuff to later put away.  And it IS the same wood as his bedroom and maybe, just maybe if I did some re arranging of his furniture I could make it work.  So Monday, while the boys were at baseball and Scott out of town, I hauled that desk up, re arranged his furniture and it WORKED just fine and he LOVES it.  He calls it his office.  :)

Pretty "teen" looking.  He cleared out a LOT of trophies and stuff.  :(

And I have been working on cleaning out the upstairs storage room EVER since Spring Break when we returned, we have one above our family room and another in the basement.  I have emptied 24 66 quart BINS of stuff in 3 weeks.  It has been good willed, donated to a friends garage sale fundraiser, sold, given to friends or pitched.  24 bins people.  The last time I did a REALLY good cleaning of that room was BEFORE Max...it was OVER due.  So in every spare moment I have had...I have had my head in that room.

And also this week I did complete yet another round of scouting projects for Meredith.  I have another BIG one due in 2 weeks for Better Homes and Gardens so I need to get cracking on that this next week.

So...I am TIRED but feeling like there is a light at the end of that upstairs tunnel.  The bedrooms are done and sorted for spring and the storage room is 94% DONE....our bedroom and my closet are the FINAL projects upstairs.  I have had some big CHECKS done on my list....

Lots of baseball here this weekend for Drew and some for Jack too...storms coming as well.

Thanks for sticking with me on this LONG post.


  1. It is so fun seeing Jack and Max's room.

  2. This post was really fun to read and the pictures of the room are so adorable! Max is such a big boy now. Seems like you just found out you were going to have him and now the crib is down. Crazy. So glad to hear how productive you've been you amaze me with a toddler in tow!

  3. Girl, you have gotten SO MUCH done!!! Way to go!!! And way to be a "yes mom" on the Star Wars bedding.

  4. How exciting! Looks like they love the room. (Owen has those same Star Wars sheets. :))
