"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, April 20, 2012

I don't even know how to sew a button....

The FedEx man just dropped off a book, a Quilting Book and I can't even sew a button on well.  But this came from Meredith Corp, and has our house pictured in it several times.  You see when they use our home for photo shoots they send me the publication it is used in for free.  Such a fun surprise to get an entire BOOK this time around.

Here are the shots from our home...
 Kitchen table, NOTE the painting on our wall is a painting of the barn on the Shisler Family Farm in Ohio...neat it made the book too.

 Another kitchen table shot

In the "piano room" or living room

 The dining room before we painted it gray

 Sigh Max's crib...and his books and piggy

 Our sunroom

 Tommy's room..Go Browns!  They left his shams on

 Our family room...

 Our front porch swing

 My favorite red chest...

and a side view of the cover of the book, which isn't our house...and I cannot figure out how to turn the photo on here so just tilt your head and you will get the idea.  :)
Happy Friday everyone!