"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Better late than never

We haven't dyed Easter eggs for at least 2 years...this Momma just couldn't keep up with EVERY single tradition.  But Drew and Jack have been BEGGING to do them this year.

We didn't get them done BEFORE Easter...so did them tonight.  Here are the happy boys...

Note Max watching from his chair, strapped in and naked, just in case.  :)

side note...the "Bunny" has yet to come and visit us.  The boys are hoping he will come this weekend!  :)  Like I said, better late than never!  He just couldn't get it all together before Benson.  Not enough hours in the day for this Momma right now, Scott has been traveling, I have been doing MAJOR spring cleaning and sorting, we rearranged Tommy's room yesterday...oh and I am working on the school yearbook, thankfully I have a partner in that...but the deadline is SATURDAY!  eegads better get OFF this blog.

1 comment:

  1. My kids keep asking about dying eggs. I had decided not to do them. They keep asking.

    They have not yet received their Easter baskets either. We didn't have time. Maybe this weekend?
