"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet Husband of Mine

Happy Birthday to my beloved....we have been so busy celebrating here today I haven't even gotten on here to post a HAPPY BIRTHDAY note.

It started this morning with breakfast together as a family...I got home from working out and grabbed all the boys and we went and sang Happy Birthday to Daddy.  We then took him out to a local breakfast place "Cozy Cafe" and ate.  We were pretty much the only ones there, had the place to ourselves.

We then got the boys off to school, Max and I headed off to the grocery store to get our ingredients for the birthday dinner that was requested.  And Max found some balloons for Daddy too.  A football and a basketball of course.  We also picked up some last minute birthday gifts for the birthday boy.

Home for lunch with him...then he headed back to his office to work and we baked a Boston Creme Pie and got the stuff ready for dinner.

Picked up the boys...and celebrated tonight before Tommy headed out to basketball.  We opened gifts, ate our big ham loaf dinner and had his favorite Boston Creme Pie.  :)

We are so blessed to have him in our lives.  I am so proud to be his wife, we have been through so much and I feel like we just keep getting stronger and stronger...it hasn't been without a lot of prayer and patience...oh and forgiveness.  But what a blessed woman I am to be loved so well by him.  And our boys...sigh these boys have NO idea, just yet, how blessed they are.  One day they WILL understand.  One day they will look back and realize how dedicated he was (and is) to their Mama, to them, to their well being, to the important things in their lives...to leading them on the right path.  How much time he has given to them, how selfless he has been with his own time...how he would, and does, literally drive all night sometimes just to be there for me or for them.  That he juggles meetings, and activities to be able to put us first.

So today...we are so grateful and we celebrate YOU my Love.  Happy Birthday!


  1. Teary, beautiful tribute to a great man. Happy Birthday, Scott!

  2. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful birthday!

  3. Such a great, special day. Happy birthday (yesterday) to Scott!

  4. Looks like you had a great evening...not surprised Max is in the front seat! How did you keep his cute little fingers out of the frosting?
