"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Drew gets braces

Today was a BIG day for Drew.  Braces went on...

 the BEFORE pics.

The during pics...with Max and Jack "helping" all along.  Thank goodness our orthodontist (Jeff Sturdivant at Smile Orthodontics) is a good friend and a super friendly family man, he loved the extra help.  Jack was along since he had his first "consultation for HIS braces" sigh...I asked Jeff if the 4th one is FREE.  :)...umm and I wasn't kidding.  

Ta-DAH.. the AFTER.  Pretty Handsome huh?

After the braces we snuck in a visit to Krispy Kreme at Drew's request.  We actually went in and ate donuts..well the boys did.  :)  Haven't been inside there forever, Max LOVED it, watched the donuts go round and round and round.  Then we drove through Wendy's to pick up lunch for the boys to take to school.  Not a bad day huh?  Oh and they have early out at 1:30.  So that means they will be in school for less than 2 hours today.  :)


  1. Sounds like the pefect day to me.:) I bet Drew is thrilled to get his braces. Will is so ready, but we are still waiting on those last few teeth to fall out. I wish they would.:)
