"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, January 6, 2012

No Excuses

Tomorrow is the big day...sigh...I am starting yet another 9 week Kick boxing, strength training, weight loss, get in shape session at Goals in Motion.  Last time I did it was Spring of 2009..I lost around 20 lbs and found out I was pregnant at the end of the challenge too.  :)  Surprise surprise.  This time I have some other goals, none include surprise baby blessings.  :)

I am doing this with a friend of mine, Shannon...although she and I won't be able to work out at the same time most mornings we WILL hold each other accountable to getting there and to eating better.  Right Shannon?  :)  (who never reads my blog but maybe she will start)  Another friend of mine is my "Coach" and she is one tough lady so I am a little fearful of how she will make me work....but I need to be pushed at this point.

Not many of you know this, but once upon a time I was actually athletic, maybe even an "athlete" dare I say.  I want to find that part of me again.  I truly do.

My Motto...."No Excuses"...like the Biggest Loser show.  I am good with those, especially with working out and eating well.  I always have MANY reasons why I cannot work out, too tired, too busy, sore, hurt, used the "maybe we will have another baby one for YEARS and YEARS", I just can't do it, in bad shape, too heavy...etc and so on.  I am not going to allow excuses to stop me this time.

The boys have enjoyed this week as we have been eating it up, cookies, brownies, ice cream, hot chocolates, donuts, Culvers, Chick Fil A....it's been SO yummy.  And that's about to end for me for awhile.....

I turned 40 in December and had hoped to lose 30 lbs before that birthday, well it didn't happen.  SO this year, 2012, I am going to aim for 40 lbs.  I would be pleased with 20-30 in the next 9 weeks.  :)

Pray for me...I know I NEED to do this for myself for MANY reasons....some include clothing that fits, a trip to Mexico, 4 boys to chase after, health, and to regain self confidence.  I want to rely on God to get me through this, and I know He will and I know He cares.  This is as much for my mental health and self discipline as it is anything else.

I am blessed to have a husband who fully supports me in this and 4 boys who are willing to make some sacrifices for their Mom to have success too.

Thanks friends...now pray I don't end up in the ER tomorrow after testing an a one mile run...which for me could end up being a crawl.  It's been TOO long.


  1. Will be praying for you! What time is the run?? (I remember when you did this a while back because I'm pretty sure I babysat while you and Scott went. :) )

  2. Of course you can do it. WIth God ALL things are possible. I will be rooting for you. The biggest help is a good support system, which you have. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat right and it WILL happen! If you need any meal helps, let me know! I have a few secrets. And I would share my music list with you, but that is one of my "bads". Maybe that can be my goal this year...

  3. You can do this, Susan! As for the eating, call me - as you know, I was forced to change my eating and believe it or not it gets easier and you stop craving many things. I also have a bakery-lady who makes "healthy" baked treats so you don't feel so deprived! I'm cheering for you big time - so excited!!

  4. Hopefully you can be my inspiration!I'm cheering for you.Can't wait to see you at the end of these 9 weeks.
