"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Buckeyes, the Infirmary and a BIG Birthday

Friday night, in the night, Jack started throwing up.  Scott had a customer who graciously had gotten us tickets to the Iowa vs. Ohio State Basketball game in Iowa City.  Scott and the big boys left for the game around 9:30.  Jack was sick and stayed home.  SO sad to be missing the game...

Saturday around noon Jack said he felt 99.9%.  He was still so SAD to be missing his chance to see the Buckeyes play basketball, and I KNEW the seats we had were court side which is SO fun when you follow a team.  I asked him if he wanted me to drive him there, I said we could make it by half time.  He jumped up and down and said "You would do that Mommy?" I said,  I would. Hard to say no to his sweet face. SO he quickly showered and we headed to Iowa City.

We made it to the game right at half time.  Perfect timing, I wasn't planning on going to the game, I was planning on turning around and heading home but they had enough tickets for me and Scott talked the guy at the door taking tickets into letting Max go in for free.  :)  So we ALL made it to the game.  Without a good camera there we still managed to snap some pics...from our phones and our little camera.

After the game the boys got to meet some of their favorite players as Scott's customer had access to the locker room floor.  Very cool and I was SO glad Jack didn't miss that.

 Later that night...we watched the game back on TV...you can see some of us here.  The other seats were on the floor on the other side of the court.

Sunday evening Drew threw up...around 6.  Max threw up around 8 pm...I went to bed knowing it would be a long night, or short night depending on how you look at it.  Well I woke up at 1 am throwing up myself.  ugh...then at 5:45 Tommy woke up and threw up.  So yes 4 of the 6 of us were in bed or in the bathroom throwing up.  Poor Scott...glad he was in town and was able to be the nurse in-between working and running Jack to and from school.

Part of the infirmary here yesterday....

Today we are almost all better....well Tommy is still home but he will be fine tomorrow.  :)

And TOMORROW there is a BIG birthday at our house.  Sweet Max Harold turns 2 years old.  We were going to have his "friend" party in the morning, but due to the germs in this house we opted to move that to next week.  But we will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow around here....so excited for him.  2 sigh...where have these 2 years gone.  More on that tomorrow....


  1. I can't believe Max will be two tomorrow. So big.

    Glad you are all feeling better and hope it stays away,

  2. I was going to say what Makila said. Going to repeat it anyway. :) I can't believe Max will be two tomorrow. Wasn't it just yesterday I was still pg and coming to snuggle your new sweet boy in the maternity ward at Methodist. *sigh* Love watching our babies grow up together.

    Praying this is the END of the flu-yuck at your house. You've had enough!!!

  3. Happy Birthday today to sweet Max! You win the "what a gal" award for taking Jack to the game. That's just awesome.
