"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

A whirlwind few days around here, AGAIN.  My big brother Mike and his kids came down for the weekend.  His wife Cara stayed home to work on some projects...it's been so fun having them here.  Today was Jack's last football game, more pics from that later.  I didn't take any since my friend Makila was covering for me.    So officially checking football OFF my list of things to do....

This afternoon we went on our Annual Pumpkin Patch visit...this year we went back to Howell's in nearby Cumming,  Iowa.  Last year we ventured to a farther off place and decided to come back to our traditional spot.  Wow has it every changed in the past 2 years.  They have added so much, the kids had a great time.  Here are a TON of pictures to prove it.

 Alice on the rocking duck.

 On top of the hay bales

 Charlie and Jack not too old to race on the toy tractors

 Drew chasing them around the track

 Coming down the fun, bumpy slide

 Tommy helping Alice on the teeter totter

 Max, who JUST woke up from his nap, thrown into a quick picture here

 I love this pic of Charlie and Alice
and now for the HOW BIG THIS FALL pictures...
 Tommy-14 years

 Jack-almost 9 years

 Alice- 3 1/2 years

 Drew- 12 years

 Charlie-7 years

 Poor Max, still waking up and yawning-21 months

Off to the field we go on the wagon ride

The boys were pretty excited for the Corn Maze

Snuggling Daddy on the way back....on the wagon ride

What a blessed and beautiful day.


  1. Such cute pictures of your day...and so much more beautiful than Hinckley and I's trip Monday. I have not been to Howell's, we always go to Center Grove. We might have to try that one next year..do they have caramel apples and apple cider donuts too? Because you know, I am all about the food!

  2. Such sweet memories and a beautiful day to be at the pumpkin patch! I love that Max is yawning in that picture. Adorable.
