"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just plugged in my camera...

found these from the past few days.  Oh how I love being a part of these moments...I needed this reminder tonight.  Somedays being a Momma is harder than others.  :)  But God is good and tomorrow is a new day.  God promises us that...

 Max loving on his baby

 Drew had a baby he carried everywhere too, I LOVE that Max is loving a baby

 Jack and Max at Tommy's ball game on Saturday

 Just love watching them play from a distance, had my super ZOOM lens on
 so they didn't even notice me

 Dirt dirt EVERYWHERE, look at his shirt

 Tonight, Max was observing his bros eating and dunking their oreos...and guess what he wanted to learn and was taught...yep we have another Oreo dunker now.  So so cute

This possibly was the SWEETEST part of my day.  Loved watching the boys teach him and LOVED watching him beam with excitement.

I am headed to the cabin tomorrow for 8 days with Jack and Max.  Scott will bring Tommy and Drew on Sunday.  Lots of company coming to visit us there...Mom and Dad are headed to Alaska so we are taking the place over.  More when we get back next week.  Can't wait to get away.


  1. these oreo pictures need to be in a magazine - especially the one with hi little hand holding the cookie! Have a great time on your trip - hope you can download and really relax (as much as possible with little ones :)

  2. He has always had a fondness for cookies, hasn't he! :-) Have a great trip and enjoy the calming sounds of water hitting the land and the wind going through the trees. That's my favorite part anyway!

  3. I absolutely LOVE the oreo pictures. Love.
