"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, June 13, 2011

17 months

Max turned 17 months on Saturday, meant to get a post written then but it didn't happen.  hmm I wonder why?  Could be our crazy schedule.  (Here he is eating a rice krispie bar at a ball game)

Happy 17 month birthday buddy.  Hard to believe in a month you will officially be 1 1/2 years old.  That sounds old to me.

You are one very BUSY guy.  You are ALWAYS on the go, you rarely sit for more than 1 minute.  You will sit to read books, you love books.  It's cute when you bring them to us book after book after book...you turn around and back into us until you sit down.  Then we read.  It's very sweet.

If you want us to go with you somewhere you try to push us there.  You push us out of a chair or recently you grab our hands and pull us where you want to go.  You are quite firm and quite independent. You know what you want and you WANT it NOW.

 Sweet little scrapped up, muddy legs from ball game watching

 swinging between ball games

 playing in the dirt on the next field over. 

You love to eat grapes, pizza, cereal, oatmeal, sloppy joes, pasta, rice krispie bars, blueberries, wheatables, and you love to drink milk or water from your sippy.  You love balls and baseball bats, hoops and dribbling, you love to swing and to be chased, you love to play with trucks now too.  You love dirt, sand and rocks and don't seem to mind when you are covered in dirt or mud.  You love electronics, cords and stuff you shouldn't have.  You say Jack and Drew pretty clearly now with a loud JAAAAAAA and a loud DEEEEEEEEEEWWWWW.  You haven't said Mama in weeks but say Dada often too.  Tommy is trying hard to teach you to say his name too.  You say ball, fish, woof woof for dog...those are your standard favorites.  You don't need to say much because you point and someone gets you whatever it is you want.  You LOVE when Daddy comes home or when he shows up at a ball game.  You RUN to him with your hands up...you run so fast I am afraid you are going to fall.  You are still kind of wobbly sometimes.

You love to snuggle and kiss your baby doll and talk to her in the sweetest high pitched babble we have ever heard.  You are still snuggling and nursing with Momma...a couple of times a day.  Usually for one nap and bedtime.  I am treasuring the moments of snuggling and quiet between us. I know they are going to be gone so soon.  It happens SO fast.

We love you so very much Max.  You are a gift to us.  You remind me of what's important and what's really not.  You make me slow down in my days and sit and snuggle you.  You are a bundle of love and joy.  You are sweetness and wonder all wrapped up into our little Max.  You are adored by us all...


  1. sweet little man :) him and Jacen sound sooo much alike!

  2. Max is growing up too fast!! I love the pictures of him playing in the dirt and with his baby doll. So sweet!!:)

  3. Just catching up on blog reading.Loved all the pics of the past week and the writing.Can't believe Max is almost 1 1/2 yrs old.How did that happen?!Continuing to pray for you.

  4. Gracelyn backs up when she wants to sit on our laps just like Max. I love it.

  5. Love how dirty he is...such a boy! I think they come out of the womb yielding a sword and a nose for dirt! I agree that this time is going so fast...too fast. *sigh*
