"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday Drew

Happy Birthday to our Drew.  It's hard to believe today you are 12 years old.  Ahh finally able to sit in the front seat of the car, Tommy has enjoyed his reign for 2 years, and now it ends and the fights for "shotgun" begin.  :)  I think that may be what you are most looking forward to as you turn 12.  

Drew you are a kind hearted, compassionate guy.  You love to help others, you love to serve others...you are very good at putting others before you.  You love to plan a party, make a meal, deliver gifts to others.  You love to play sports and most of all, be on a team.  You are a true team player.  You are cool as a cucumber when you play sports, you never lose your cool on a field or a court. (well unless you are playing with your brothers, then sometimes)  Baseball, football, basketball and golf are your favorite sports...I don't think you have a favorite of those, just whatever one you are playing.

Drew you are a smart young man.  You are an excellent student and very self driven with your schoolwork.  We rarely have to ask you to do homework or to study, you are diligent all on your own.  You love school and you love to learn.  You can memorize a bible verse faster than anyone I know.  You have a real passion for history and for learning the bible.  We pray you don't ever lose that, what a gift.  The relationship that YOU have with God is your OWN.  The roots that you grow in your faith is the VERY MOST important thing you will EVER do.  Always remember that.  Sports, school, friends...they all can come and go but God, is the real deal. 

Drew you are very special to your Dad and to me.  You are conservative, you are wise, you are sensitive, you are thoughtful and so kind.  You love animals and love to care for them.  I love that when kids at school badger you with "who do you like" you respond with "my Mom"...you have a quiet confidence about you that I really admire.  You remind me of your Dad in so many ways, often times you will say something JUST like he would say or JUST like he would think.   I am grateful for you, for the relationship that we share and for how much you love your Dad and your brothers.  You are always quick to ask for forgiveness when you make a mistake and your heart is sincere.   It's so fun to watch you grow into the person God has designed you to be.  It's SUCH a privilege to be your Mom.

Happy 12th Birthday buddy.  

I love you very much,

Updated pictures from this morning....


  1. Happy 12th Birthday, Drew!! We hope you have a wonderful day.
    We love all of the pictures your Mom posts of you and your brothers..
    Take care, The Dahlbergs

  2. Happy Birthday to a VERY special guy to our family! Your mom has spoke such a blessing into your life with her words in this post. Have a wonderful day! The Duricks

  3. Great pictures...such a wonderful milestone. It looks like Max thought it was pretty neat too! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating Drew's special day!

  4. Completely choked up and teary after reading this. Such a special tribute to your 12 year old. Happy birthday, Drew!!!

  5. Drew's kind heart is evident in his smile. Happy birthday sweet boy.

  6. Happy (belated) 12th birthday Drew!!
