"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, October 4, 2010

This makes me smile

Our baby who LOVES riding in the shopping cart at Hyvee. holds on tight. So serious about his cart riding.

The sweet little smirk for Drew,
ignore the Hyvee bagger in the back of cart

This is what I did this morning, still in our pj's. Max is waking up from a morning nap. It's just what I needed
and what I feel blessed to be able to do daily. I do NOT take these moments for granted. Especially after these last 10 days.


  1. Loving the serious grocery shopper.

    The picture of you snuggling Max is precious.

  2. Grocery shopping is a big hit in my house too. Love the snuggling shot of you and him. :)
