"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A beautiful Saturday

Today was another beautiful fall day, it was a cool morning then warmed up quickly. Our day started with Poppy making his famous "little rolls" and then we headed out to a new spot, the Center Grove Orchard. We had several friends go and say it was a must do so we thought we would give it a try, a pumpkin patch and an apple orchard all in one.

We did a little bit of everything there, goat feeding, corn pool, apple eating, hayrack riding, corn maze running, feed bunk eating...it was a great time. We will definitely go back there. I am so glad we went early in the morning, I couldn't BELIEVE the amount of people there by the time we left. PACKED

The boys headed to play 9 holes of golf after that, the girls and Max headed home for a little nap-time. I finally got the basement picked up and organized the way I like with the help of Mom with Max. Grandma and Max went for a long walk and pushed Max in the swing...don't you think he would sleep well tonight? He was outside almost ALL day long. hmm we will see.

We had a yummy chili dinner that had been cooking in the crock pot most of the day, watched some football...had a disappointing loss for the Buckeyes but putting it all into perspective, not such a big deal.

A blessed day with family enjoying this beautiful fall we are having.


  1. Precious picture of your dad and Max taking a nap.

    I'm glad that you had a fun time at Center Grove! It was packed today. They had Josh stay and do 7 shows instead of 5.

  2. I'm so glad you went. Great pictures. I love the picture of Poppy and Max. :)

  3. We were at Center Grove on Saturday, too. Can't believe we didn't run into each other!:)

  4. We love Center Grove Orchard! We were supposed to go last Saturday but are going this Saturday instead. I can't wait to get apples to can applesauce, apple butter and apple pie filling! Plus, the caramel apples alone are worth the trip! Love the picture of the boys holding Max's hand!
